Smoke Free Scotland

Morlan said:
When this happened in Ireland, all the pubs were forced to pour money into beer gardens and shelters.. tons of nice outdoor heated pubs now :)

Exactly, smoking isn't completely banned - you just have to go outside.

I've noticed that in the last couple of years many of the local bars have already had new outside areas fitted out during their refurbs, no doubt in preparation for the ban.

What I found in New York where smoking has been banned a long time, is that it is easy to forget that you smoke. When you can't smell or see others smoking and no one is shoving a pack in your face offering you one, you tend to want to smoke less.

It's quite nice to come home and realise that you've only smoked 5 cigs instead of a whole pack!
I don't agree with making other people beath your smoke, but surely it is up to the landlord to decide if he feels it is more profitable to run a smoking or non smoking pub. If most people prefer no smoking then the landlord can open a non smoking pub. But wait it isn't profiable because people like to smoke when they go out.

So the Government are telling us what we can do, why not leave it up to capitalism to decide.
Maybe because it a 'vote winner ' i.e. safe brownie points. No one can really argue the merits of non smoking pubs but the smug politians have seen an opportunity to promote their 'caring for the public' BS without upsetting people.

Draconian measures like banning weren't needed and the landlord should have had the choice.

I saw two pubs in Aberdeen last week both showing the football, one was full to overflowing and a great atmosphere and the other was nearly empty. Guess which one still allowed smoking.
duc999 said:
I saw two pubs in Aberdeen last week both showing the football, one was full to overflowing and a great atmosphere and the other was nearly empty. Guess which one still allowed smoking.

Thats because smokers had the choice of going to smoking pub. But not any more.

I am well for this and cant wait till it kicks in over the border here in England.
Morlan said:
When this happened in Ireland, all the pubs were forced to pour money into beer gardens and shelters.. tons of nice outdoor heated pubs now :)

Except in Scotland, an outdoor enclosed (sheltered) area is classed as a 'Public area' and as such smoking will still be illegal in these areas, along with bus stops and the like all bar specific Smoking Shelters.
clade said:
Just wish they would ban fags alltogether but goverment make too much money off it even tho they waste so much money on nhs with smoking related deseases. Goes to show how messed up goverment really is.

Now see this is the problem, what is mr government man going to do to recoup the money that they will be losing on the little white sticks. People not being able to smoke when they go out drinking is going to lose them a lot of money surely.
Windle said:
Except in Scotland, an outdoor enclosed (sheltered) area is classed as a 'Public area' and as such smoking will still be illegal in these areas, along with bus stops and the like all bar specific Smoking Shelters.

Are you sure? AFAIK, beer gardens and the like are not considered to be enclosed spaces.
danrok said:
Are you sure? AFAIK, beer gardens and the like are not considered to be enclosed spaces.

Yup, if they have any type of cover or a surrounding wall it is an enclosed space. Was on the news t'other day :)
They can have a roof but the walls must be no higher on all sides than waist hight. as such 75% or more of the building is not enlosed. job done for all you smokers.

its funny as hell watching all the smokers from my work walk for 5mins to smoke :p
But a beer garden with a cloth covering/parasols is an enclosed space which is the point i was making, so basically if the beer garden is just a walled in enclosure that's fine but a Proper beer garden isn't suitable under the bill.
DAvE18 said:
its funny as hell watching all the smokers from my work walk for 5mins to smoke :p

5 minutes to walk to the smoking shelter, 5 minutes to walk back plus 10 minutes to smoke and chat... so they have 20 minute breaks now and you sit in the stuffy office watching them.

I find it hilarious as well, they are getting longer breaks while you sit there picking up extra tasks and feeling smug! :D
Windle said:
^ Can't see that lasting for long considering nobodys entitled to smoking breaks anyway.

Indeed. If you have a drug addiction (and I challenge you to prove that a smoking habit is deemed otherwise) then it should not affect your work surely :confused:
Windle said:
^ Can't see that lasting for long considering nobodys entitled to smoking breaks anyway.

Maybe but employers allow it and while they do then they will still occur, please continue to sit in the office feeling smug while a smoker at the office descibed could easily reduced their working day by a couple of hours.

In fact supply smkoking shelters shows support for the smokers. ;)
I used to smoke so it doesnt really bother me but from visiting NY and Dublin it is nice to get home without your clothes stinking, hopefully England will follow soon :)
All I remember from Edinburgh was everyone smoking. Constantly! It'll be interesting to see what happens - it's really changed things over here.
commited said:
All I remember from Edinburgh was everyone smoking. Constantly! It'll be interesting to see what happens - it's really changed things over here.

Exactly. If New York and Ireland can do it then we sure as hell can.
MATTeL said:
Maybe but employers allow it

Not all employers allow it, mine doesn't.

So, to turn around what your saying, I sit in comfort in the canteen enjoying a full healthy break from work, while my colleagues who smoke have to go outside in the pouring rain (snow last week) to have a puff, then snatch a couple of mins in the canteen (if they're lucky) scoffing down a snack and coffee before dashing back to work :D

Its a shame, but its their choice.

This smoking ban is fantastic news.
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