
Kell_ee001 said:
If you know people will be smoking somewhere, don't go there.

Wouldn't you say it is different from say a bus stop to a pub? Both places you can expect smoking. I mean, I would expect the place to be full of smokers and wouldn't ask someone to move away from me if they were smoking. Yet I would find it incredibly rude if I was standing at a bus stop and someone came along, stood next to me and started smoking.
$loth said:
I mean, I would expect the place to be full of smokers and wouldn't ask someone to move away from me if they were smoking.

Fair enough :)

$loth said:
Yet I would find it incredibly rude if I was standing at a bus stop and someone came along, stood next to me and started smoking.

Again that's fair enough, but that's also why its a 2 way thing. I wouldn't expect someone to stand right next to you and smoke either, but if they were trying to be out of the way and it was still bothering you, then you should move away a little as well. :)
Boo hoo the Smoke, thre are much worse things people should be worried about. I hate the way the UK is turning people into wimps, but to be fair it is a stupid idea to do it at the door where lots of people walk. Sould be round the corner out the way.
i aint a smoker but i think people who bother to complain about smoke near a door (that they only spend like 3 secs next to while they walk through it) either have too much time on their hands or they are busibodies. People smoke for different reasons and they need somwhere to smoke so i cant see whats wrong with next to the door
Meatball said:
good point but smoking has become publicly accepted where smelling of b.o or faeces is less acceptable according to our society.

Really? They are introducing a smoking ban not a B.O. ban. I would have thought it is safe to say that smelling of BO and/or faeces is more acceptable occording to our society for some unfathomable reason.


I'm a non smoker but i'm appalled by some of the comments in this thread thus far. Non-smokers complained about smoke in the workplace, so businesses introduced smoking rooms. A few years later they complain again about the smell from smoking rooms so those same businesses closed the smoking rooms and threw the smokers outside. Now people are complaining about the smell outside!

In my opinion smokers have conceeded enough, perhaps even more than enough with regards to the pub ban.

nero120 said:
Smokers take note: this is why no one respects you, because your addiction blinds you into not being able to have a reasonable conversation about your habit.

Your argument is flawed. Not all non-smokers disrespect smokers. I for one respect a persons right to do with their body as they wish. Inconsiderate smokers are another matter but I generally find most smokers to be polite about their habit.

nero120 said:
You demand yet cannot understand what is "fair".

The only people I see making demands are non-smokers.

Kell_ee001 said:
I think it's all about give and take and everyone having some consideration regardless of your smoking habits. If you know people will be smoking somewhere, don't go there.

I couldn't agree more. Finally some common sense! :)
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I'm a smoker and TBH I don't smoke at home or when I am out with my daughter.

I am not worried about all the smoking in the open air I am more concerned with all the polution from cars and busses etc.

The smell from car/bus exhausts is far worse than cigarette smoke and the fumes are deadlier so why not ban cars from the road? I walk everywhere(whenever possible) rather than use public transport because I cannot stand the way some people smell and at the end of the day when I have a shower you can see the daily grime that comes with living in an urban area as it goes down the plughole.

We live in a society where smokers are taxed heavily for thier habit so if everyone stopped smoking the government would have no choice but to raise taxes on wages etc. etc.

I agree that some people should be a little more considerate with the way they smoke but the same can be said for any habit. I hate drunks so should we ban alchohol?
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