ok that link above failed bad.... i followed this and im flashing now!
Here is the steps I followed.
The page you cite has all the information you need. Go to
Download the HP stuff. Run the set up program in the HP stuff. This installs the “HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool”.
Download the Windows 98 System Files from here
Unzip the windows system files to a directory.
Put your USB thumb drive in the USB port. Run the HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool.
Under Device, select your USB thumb drive.
Under File System, select FAT 32.
Click Quick Format.
Click “Create a DOS startup disk. Also select “using DOS system files located at:” Click the “…”, navigate to the directory where you unzipped the windows 98 files and click OK.
Click “Start”. A few seconds later it will be done. You now have a bootable USB drive. Looking at the drive will not show anything. The files msdos.sys, io.sys, and command.com are hidden.
Download the bios you want from the Shuttle website. For me it was SG31S10I.bin. Copy this to the USB drive.
Download the awdflash utility from the Shuttle website. Unzip the file and copy it to the flash drive.
Getting the Shuttle to boot from the USB drive is a little tricky. I tired all the USB drive permutation “First Boot Device”. No luck. Turns out you need to modify the “Hard Disk Boot Priority”. Plug in the USB drive, start the computer, and enter the bios by hitting “Delete”. The Hard Disk Boot Priority should now show your USB drive. Make this the first priority. Hit ESC. Then hit F10 to save and exit.
The machine should not boot to the old dos “C>” prompt. Do “dir”. This should show awdflash.exe and SG31S10I.bin.
Enter the following command: “awdflash SG31S10I.bin /cc/cd/cp/py/E” (without the quotes). The awdflash fires up and asks if you want to save the current bios. Say yes and give it a file name. awdflash with then flash the new bios.
Reboot. Hit “delete” to enter setup. Load Optimized Defaults. You’re good to go.