
sometimes get the cheapo lidl energy drink or bitter lemon (30p ish a litre),at work i have a flask of strawberry vegan protein ,frozen fruit chia seeds smoothy
Sainsburys brand orange squash and about 3 cups of coffee a day (from a bean to cup machine). That fizzy stuff don't half give me wind :D
Good old tap water I find most soft drinks too sweet and don't quench my thirst.

Round my area most people I see drinking energy drinks are pretty big so I guess that's why they feel the need for the energy boost.
I work for aldi so i know all about them ;) dark thunder for the win :)

I also like monster cold coffee they do but thats only ever in the £ shop and its imported because its a high caffeine content...

Razerwire???? Powder is mega caffeinated 100mg per 100ml lol....

Aldi do both a Red Bull and a Monster knockoff.
The redbull size can is 27p and the Monster Sized can is 59p. By the time you have added some vodka (also cheap at aldi) you cant taste the difference and you just save yourself pounds.
Both also available as suger free versions.
Seen Sneak all over my Facebook feed, replete with the standard are-they-real-or-are-they-fake 'customer' comments underneath.
Not tried it yet myself.

I like my full-fat Monster, only a can or two a week usually though. Sugar-free can do one, they're all rancid.
Other than that, it's supermarket own-brand double-concentrate lemon squash for me :)
My main drink is Tesco or Morrison or Asda's version of the Cherries and Berries cordial. The Sainsburys one I avoid though as it tastes wrong (more apple percentage). Other than that I like a nice coke zero over ice, a fresh orange and lemonade over ice or when I really want to splurge out I will treat myself to a Full fat Cherry coke.
At home I drink chilled filtered tap water or coffee, mostly Americano and a few espressos.

I try to avoid carbonated drinks unless they are sugar free. It's rare I drink energy drinks, sometimes I have a free one when working at the RB F1 factory.
In terms of a soft drink when I'm home? I like squash. My favourite at the moment is Robinson's Fruit Creations Orange and Mango. Followed by Vimto or Ribena
yea robinsons I like the fruit and barley ones.
other than that the only thing I drink is water, coffee and milk in my breakfast.

robinsons is weird though, if you mix one with water and freeze it/fridge for awhile the robinsons seperates into like a blob of goop at the bottom almost like jelly

personally wouldnt touch energy drinks with a barge pole
I don't seem to be losing weight though so I think it's probably a terrible idea.
You should try, ya know, not drinking soft drinks then...

------- I'm putting this big space here to make it clear I am not talking about the poster I quoted above -------

Anyone notice a 100% correlation between overweight people and the fact they all drink "diet" "zero sugar" etc. drinks? :confused: It's been proven that zero-sugar drinks lead to enhanced appetite and snacking because your body is being tricked into thinking it's getting that sugar rush when you drink them - which it doesn't actually get. You go away simply craving more sugar, salt, etc.

Personally I drink tea, coffee, water, beer, wine, whisky. Perhaps in that order :p

I find coke and most fizzy drinks way too sugary to the point I can't finish a can sometimes.
Energy drinks are 75% the reason I have liver disease. The other part is an unhealthy 3L per day of Coca-Cola.

Stopped drinking both, went through some serious withdrawal symptoms.

I'm 5st lighter now though.... And I only stopped drinking them, diets the same as before.

So.. Don't care you don't want to hear its bad for you, it seriously is. If I'd had carried on, Dr said I'd be dead in 10 years.

I'm 31...
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