Snow is on the way to UK next month


Also: Yay :D

Dude on the left looks like Nick Hewer. Is that some kind of Apprentice task from the next series?
I know its a little stupid but...

Is there any way that scientists have got it wrong. Is it possible that the rate at which the Earth moves around the sun has been calculated incorrectly? thus each year the seasons shift a little?

It would explain why our summer is occurring more towards April and why we are having Snow towards October!
That’s what a leap year is for. A year and the real time the Earth moves around the sun is not the same. A leap year fix’s that problem. A leap year makes up for the time difference.
That’s what a leap year is for. A year and the real time the Earth moves around the sun is not the same. A leap year fix’s that problem. A leap year makes up for the time difference.

But could these calculations be wrong? resulting in a supposed shift in weather patterns where in fact we ourselves are shifting the dates?

I know the calculations are probably right, but it was just a thought whilst procrastinating :)
i wouldnt worry to much they cant get the next day right most of the time....

How ever i love the snow as long as there is enough to make it worthwhile and halt everything for at least a week.

hate it when it just sleets a bit, need it nice and deep
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