Snow is on the way to UK next month

Interesting that you think you can predict WHEN our winter is coming. Any time from the start of September to the end of April seems fair game these days lol.

No prediction necessary, I'm away in two weeks until the middle of February :D
come on weather we need at least one year where winter isnt ****ing freezing -100c cold.....pretty please :(

joking right? seriously its not even that cold! im still with shorts and shirt these days.. and winter jacket+shirt and some jeans does me fine.. i don't get all the "fff freezing omg" thing going on in UK? has it got colder over the years or something?
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I was looking at buying some winter gear yesterday, following the news today I notice the price has jumped on most things. Looks like the silly season on shovels etc is starting and will only get worse if this hangs around in the news.
Only grumpy people dislike snow, bring on the snow!

I love the snow if i'm not working. But since I have a job I'm always working. And I can't just pussy out like everyone else does and say "oooopps snowed in".

Snow for some reason makes too many people in this country think that they can have a day off which cocks everything up. Less of an issue if its a day or two. A major problem if its several weeks.
[take the **** out of JakeSnake]
Im sure Alex Jones said this would happen
This is the government manipulating the weather this is !!!
[/take the **** out of JakeSnake]

yeah snow !!!! just hope it happens in Chester
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