Snow is on the way to UK next month

The pleasure of snow in these parts lasts about twenty four hours before it turns into a slushy/frozen slippery mess.
Ah no snow what a surprise, who was it that forecasted snow again? Some company called Exacta Weather? probably being run by some guy out of his garage and picked up by the Daily Fail...
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So that article from September said snow by October.....FAIL

They were forecasting nothing else......FAIL.

Its pretty warm for the time of year up north....FAIL.

They cant predict a week in advance so how they can predict a season...FAIL

I wonder if this was like the red hot summer they forecast....FAIL.

I'm wearing out my F A and I and L
how can they forecast something that will happen in a month if they can't tell what temperature will be tomorrow? i don't get it.
You Poms make me laugh - all summer one of the main trending topics was "It's too hot!!!!" and now there's a thread "It's too cold"... you're a hard bunch to please aren't you?
You Poms make me laugh - all summer one of the main trending topics was "It's too hot!!!!" and now there's a thread "It's too cold"... you're a hard bunch to please aren't you?

I know, a bit of cloud and it is like "its cloudy!"

lol, English weather is amazing! No tornados, no earthquakes, no hurricanes or the landslides that come with that and no seasonal flooding.

Yes there are the odd hot day (even then it is low 30's at MAXIMUM), with humidity in the 70's at most. Try 35c with 100% humidity in April with sun glare so bright it makes you squint even when standing in the shade! And the snow only last a couple of weeks in the winter, compare to 5 months of constant snow in parts of north america.
I know, a bit of cloud and it is like "its cloudy!"

lol, English weather is amazing! No tornados, no earthquakes, no hurricanes or the landslides that come with that and no seasonal flooding.

Yes there are the odd hot day (even then it is low 30's at MAXIMUM), with humidity in the 70's at most. Try 35c with 100% humidity in April with sun glare so bright it makes you squint even when standing in the shade! And the snow only last a couple of weeks in the winter, compare to 5 months of constant snow in parts of north america.

earthquakes ain't weather ;)
This morning we have some severe high winds picking up fro
The west. From the east some earthquakes coming in from overseas down towards the southern coast and some light showers
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