Like all the adults who write, create and review these shows before they go live to kids?
But they are writing them for children. I've quite a broad spectrum of music that I like and consider myself an open minded music listener but I obviously have my favourite genres.
I predominately listen to hip-hop and jungle so if someone sent me a
CD Apple Music playlist and said "Hey, check out this Norwegian Black Metal band, they're insanely talented!" and I listen to it and think it's pure guff, does that mean it's not quality? Or is it something that just isn't made for me?
That's how I see kids tv/shows. It's not being made for me so how can I expect it to appeal to me? When it does, it's a huge bonus. But when it doesn't? Well it's just something else for her to enjoy
Parents are the gatekeepers of shows to their kids. So no it is not unrealistic, arguably it’s an important criteria or else your show gets banned in that household
Well, we have limits. I didn't mind her watching Peppa Pig in and of itself, despite me disliking it. I decided that the show would get banned when I noticed a significant change in her behaviour. No idea why or how but it made her really naughty and always over the top.
If it didn't make her misbehave I would've let her continue to watch it even if I don't like it because it's not about me, it's about her.
For Snow White. It may be great or it may be pants. Personally, bar Aladdin, I've not enjoyed a single one of the live action remakes and opt for the cartoons each time and to be fair, so does my daughter. When she tries to watch Beauty and the Beast
again I try and get her to watch the live action one and she gets irritated.
If I as a 35 year old guy think Snow White is ***** but my friends 9 year old daughter loves it. Who is right? Who's opinion in that instance is 'worth' more? I feel like it isn't my opinion we should be listening to in that instance. I feel like some in this thread if they walked by two 10 year olds saying they loved the film they'd probably tell them why they're wrong.
It's a free world and we're all fully within our rights to praise/condemn whatever it is we want to but I've picked the hill I wish to die on and that hill is that I think grown men getting bent out of shape over a Disney princess film is a bit sad. Maybe I'm just a sexist but I'd have more sympathy if this was Star Wars or something. Not much, mind you. But more sympathy than I have for Snow White.