Snow White 2024

I’d suggest those fathers get over themselves and perhaps realise they’re going to the movie theatre for their children and their enjoyment first and foremost.
Why should they? Disney/Pixar and other studios have proven they can make films that are equally liked by all? I would much rather enjoy time with my daughters in something we both enjoy than something playing in the background just to past the time. Just because a film is aimed a children doesn't mean it has to be ****. That's a poor excuse.

I like Brave, I like tangled, I like Frozen, I like Moana, I like Aladdin. Does that make me camp? Don't care. Those are all great films

Snow White is a classic tale. Have you ever seen it as a pantomime?

I will never be sorry or apologise for expecting better. Why should I.
Why should they? Disney/Pixar and other studios have proven they can make films that are equally liked by all? I would much rather enjoy time with my daughters in something we both enjoy than something playing in the background just to past the time. Just because a film is aimed a children doesn't mean it has to be ****. That's a poor excuse.

Because are they going to the cinema for their children’s pleasure or their own? I don’t particularly enjoy reading the same stories to my daughter each night but it’s what she asks for so I still do it. It’s the same principle.

I like Brave, I like tangled, I like Frozen, I like Moana, I like Aladdin. Does that make me camp? Don't care. Those are all great films

What are you on about being camp?! There’s nothing wrong liking any of these films. I love Disney films, I’ve been singing Belle’s song from beauty and the beast the last few days as my daughter has had the film on repeat.

I’m more pointing out I think it’s sad when grown men in this thread are upset the film isn’t being made to their liking.

Snow White is a classic tale. Have you ever seen it as a pantomime?

No. Again I know it’s not Disney but I bet if you ask most children about it, they associate it with Disney at this point.

I will never be sorry or apologise for expecting better. Why should I.

No one has asked you to say sorry. We’re all entitled to our own opinion.
I think the original Snow White film is ‘fun’ at best, ‘interesting’ for its animation style but overall massively outclassed by later Disney releases (most obviously, for having similar themes, Sleeping Beauty - which I think is amazing aesthetically).

I wasn’t aware of Snow White having any sort of ‘following’ beyond it having a reputation as being ‘the original’ Disney animated classic.

But I do resent this remake… for being another Disney remake. I mean, just… why?! Have any of these added anything? They are just time-sinks… utterly redundant.
I think the original Snow White film is ‘fun’ at best, ‘interesting’ for its animation style but overall massively outclassed by later Disney releases (most obviously, for having similar themes, Sleeping Beauty - which I think is amazing aesthetically).

I wasn’t aware of Snow White having any sort of ‘following’ beyond it having a reputation as being ‘the original’ Disney animated classic.

But I do resent this remake… for being another Disney remake. I mean, just… why?! Have any of these added anything? They are just time-sinks… utterly redundant.
Before the reshoots there’s was nothing really left of the original story so why even remake it if they find it repulsive?

I wouldn’t say following but it’s been embedded in a lot of people’s childhood. The dwarves High-Ho song for example.
I have to be honest.. I am curious why so many adult men seem to have such keen interest in Snow White.

Have you ever considered that 30+ year old men weren't the target demographic for this film?

Then i'm curious as to why the lead actress said that Snow White was stalked in the original movie?

Sounds a bit of a "weird, weird" sell for a film supposedly made for children...
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Then i'm curious as to why the lead actress said that Snow White was stalked in the original movie?

Sounds a bit of a "weird, weird" sell for a film supposedly made for children...

I’ve no idea of the comments you’re talking about nor the context in which they were made because I haven’t obsessed over the film nor its cast.

Though I will say it doesn’t really matter what the actress says because I highly doubt the targeted audience for the film are online paying attention to the marketing campaign, budget and paying attention to the weekly forecasts of if it’s going to make a profit or loss. That’s all you lot in a bunch of Disney/marvel threads care about as if you’re key investors.

The mostly, as it is 2025 and it seems a lot of you just love this franchise too, little girl audience isn’t going to give two hoots about who is playing it or what they said. They just want to watch a film and be entertained.

But just to clarify your stance. Are you saying the original Disney Snow White wasn’t made for children?

I’ll watch the film for my daughter and the chances are I’m not going to like it as I never particularly enjoyed the original Disney film either. Though even if I think the film wants to make me gouge my eyes out but my daughter loves it, then it’s a success.

Judging a film made for children through the eyes of an adult is ridiculous. IF we as adults enjoy it, it should just be seen as a bonus. It was never being made for us.
I’ve no idea of the comments you’re talking about nor the context in which they were made because I haven’t obsessed over the film nor its cast.

Though I will say it doesn’t really matter what the actress says because I highly doubt the targeted audience for the film are online paying attention to the marketing campaign, budget and paying attention to the weekly forecasts of if it’s going to make a profit or loss. That’s all you lot in a bunch of Disney/marvel threads care about as if you’re key investors.

The mostly, as it is 2025 and it seems a lot of you just love this franchise too, little girl audience isn’t going to give two hoots about who is playing it or what they said. They just want to watch a film and be entertained.

But just to clarify your stance. Are you saying the original Disney Snow White wasn’t made for children?

I’ll watch the film for my daughter and the chances are I’m not going to like it as I never particularly enjoyed the original Disney film either. Though even if I think the film wants to make me gouge my eyes out but my daughter loves it, then it’s a success.

Judging a film made for children through the eyes of an adult is ridiculous. IF we as adults enjoy it, it should just be seen as a bonus. It was never being made for us.

Oh right, you've no idea, but you're speaking with authority on the subject anyway. Thanks for clearing that up.

Oh and by the way, it clearly does matter what the actress says as the studio have forced her to retract and backtrack on her comments. Miss Zegler has been an absolute PR disaster for this film and if you knew anything about the subject in hand you'd know this too.
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Oh right, you've no idea, but you're speaking with authority on the subject anyway. Thanks for clearing that up.

What authority have I spoken with? I've just shared my opinion that I think you're all acting a bit over the top. The same as you're all doing sharing your opinions, as that's all this thread is filled with. It's hilariously ironic that someone with the track history in these threads that you have, to the point of getting banned from certain threads - if I remember correctly, would accuse me of speaking with authority. You stank up the Rings of Power thread with your comments. Stones. Glass houses.

Oh and by the way, it clearly does matter what the actress says as the studio have forced her to retract and backtrack on her comments.

It matters to the studio and their image but it's not going to matter to the children watching the film. How do you not understand that simple point?

Do you genuinely think little 7 year old Lucy is going to give a toss about what the actress said? Or does she just want to enjoy a fairy tale film with a few songs. (totally different topic whether or not the songs stack up to the original. They never do, to my ears)

Miss Zegler has been an absolute PR disaster for this film and if you knew anything about the subject in hand you'd know this too.

Well I guess I would disagree with you because most people aren't paying attention to the PR. Me being a perfect example. I've no idea what storm in a teacup I should be taking umbrage with.

People like yourself who look into every detail of a movie, what the cast have said, what their ideals are etc etc etc are in a gargantuan minority. Most movie goers are not movie enthusiasts and just want to see a movie.
Up to a point. You still have to let them have some degree of imagination which is why they probably love fairy tales so much.
I read Jack and the Beanstalk last night and it wouldn't have been very fun if during or after the book i revealed that no beans actually grow that tall on no geese lay golden eggs.

As long as the story isn't harmful to them I believe we should be allowing their imagination to grow. They'll have plenty of miserable years as an adult to realise life is bland. Let them enjoy the fun stories as children.
Up to a point. You still have to let them have some degree of imagination which is why they probably love fairy tales so much.
I read Jack and the Beanstalk last night and it wouldn't have been very fun if during or after the book i revealed that no beans actually grow that tall on no geese lay golden eggs.

As long as the story isn't harmful to them I believe we should be allowing their imagination to grow. They'll have plenty of miserable years as an adult to realise life is bland. Let them enjoy the fun stories as children.
I’m assuming this is a response to me and this makes no sense whatsoever .

I don’t see how being more stringent on the quality of stories being told to kids has anything to do with what you’ve written about imagination and golden eggs.
Judging a film made for children through the eyes of an adult is ridiculous.

This is perhaps part of the issue. Too often childrens films are being written and created by adults who don't seem to understand that its a childrens film and doesn't need to be any deeper than that. They don't need to make a commentary on "not needing no man" and they don't need to "fix" stories that were absolutely fine in the first place.

I think though, most of the reason people get sucked into these debates isn't because of a film in isolation, its just that the film is an example of what people think is going wrong in the broader film industry and places like Disney in particular. Its the fact the lead actors in these films are coming out and talking about the changes and their views on them from a very mature perspective rather than treating them as what they are, childrens films. That sort of thing "invites" discussion and they often don't want to discuss these things.
I’m assuming this is a response to me and this makes no sense whatsoever .

I don’t see how being more stringent on the quality of stories being told to kids has anything to do with what you’ve written about imagination and golden eggs.

I had took what you said to imply that we should be more careful with the stories we tell our children because it could help shape their development. As in we should be careful to not read them stories that aren't realistic as that may alter the way they see the world.

I then assumed that within the context of the thread you meant that this story of Snow White could be damaging to children. I was just agreeing that as parents we do owe it to our children to be careful of what stories we expose them to, it was just that I don't think Snow White is going to be a story that I personally need to be more stringent with. It's a story about a woman, a poisoned apple and some dwarfs. Hardly damaging stuff.

It wasn't a criticism of your point.

This is perhaps part of the issue. Too often childrens films are being written and created by adults who don't seem to understand that its a childrens film and doesn't need to be any deeper than that. They don't need to make a commentary on "not needing no man" and they don't need to "fix" stories that were absolutely fine in the first place.

I think though, most of the reason people get sucked into these debates isn't because of a film in isolation, its just that the film is an example of what people think is going wrong in the broader film industry and places like Disney in particular. Its the fact the lead actors in these films are coming out and talking about the changes and their views on them from a very mature perspective rather than treating them as what they are, childrens films. That sort of thing "invites" discussion and they often don't want to discuss these things.

I just think it's all a massive storm in a teacup. I'm not a movie enthusiast in any stretch of imagination. I hear a film is coming out and that's about all I ever hear about a release. I only know about the 'outrage' surrounding this film because of this thread. I'd argue most people don't know about the things she said and probably don't care. Though a loud minority do and makes it seem like a bigger problem.

That and most actors, or famous people in general, seem to be so detached from every-day reality I rarely take notice of what they say. They only talk when they want to sell you something.
As in we should be careful to not read them stories that aren't realistic as that may alter the way they see the world.
I assumed bigpig was talking about the quality of the story not the realism,

though I’m not against only giving kids encyclopaedias and letting them make their own stories with that :cry:
I assumed bigpig was talking about the quality of the story not the realism,

though I’m not against only giving kids encyclopaedias and letting them make their own stories with that :cry:

But then this just comes back to judging a children's story through the eyes of an adult. What we deem quality as adults may not count as quality for children.

If I use children shows as an example. We have Bluey which is objectively good for both children and adults or we can have something like Peppa Pig, which I happen think is crap, and actually banned in our house, yet for as bad as I find it, kids absolutely love it. Just because I think it's rubbish, whilst not being the target demographic, doesn't mean it's a bad quality show. It clearly is of good quality for children otherwise it wouldn't be worth the billions that it is.

For every Hey Dugee there is going to be a Waffle The Wonderdog. I think expecting every children's movie to be a success for both children and adults is unrealistic. It's fantastic when it happens and for the most part I love watching the Disney films with her (I fought watching Frozen for years thinking it was going to be naff. Turned out it was preeeety good)

I'm sure if I sat my 3 year old daughter through Shawshank Redemption she'd say it was a boring and rubbish film. She'd be wrong, of course, and correctly disciplined for spewing such nonsense but she'd probably be correct that through a childs eyes, Shawshank offers little quality.
But then this just comes back to judging a children's story through the eyes of an adult. What we deem quality as adults may not count as quality for children.
Like all the adults who write, create and review these shows before they go live to kids?

Not being able to put aside ones personal feelings and preferences to judge the objective merits/quality of a show (or other items) is a big issue in the modern world.

I think expecting every children's movie to be a success for both children and adults is unrealistic.
Parents are the gatekeepers of shows to their kids. So no it is not unrealistic, arguably it’s an important criteria or else your show gets banned in that household ;)
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Like all the adults who write, create and review these shows before they go live to kids?

But they are writing them for children. I've quite a broad spectrum of music that I like and consider myself an open minded music listener but I obviously have my favourite genres.

I predominately listen to hip-hop and jungle so if someone sent me a CD Apple Music playlist and said "Hey, check out this Norwegian Black Metal band, they're insanely talented!" and I listen to it and think it's pure guff, does that mean it's not quality? Or is it something that just isn't made for me?

That's how I see kids tv/shows. It's not being made for me so how can I expect it to appeal to me? When it does, it's a huge bonus. But when it doesn't? Well it's just something else for her to enjoy

Parents are the gatekeepers of shows to their kids. So no it is not unrealistic, arguably it’s an important criteria or else your show gets banned in that household ;)

Well, we have limits. I didn't mind her watching Peppa Pig in and of itself, despite me disliking it. I decided that the show would get banned when I noticed a significant change in her behaviour. No idea why or how but it made her really naughty and always over the top.

If it didn't make her misbehave I would've let her continue to watch it even if I don't like it because it's not about me, it's about her.

For Snow White. It may be great or it may be pants. Personally, bar Aladdin, I've not enjoyed a single one of the live action remakes and opt for the cartoons each time and to be fair, so does my daughter. When she tries to watch Beauty and the Beast again I try and get her to watch the live action one and she gets irritated.

If I as a 35 year old guy think Snow White is ***** but my friends 9 year old daughter loves it. Who is right? Who's opinion in that instance is 'worth' more? I feel like it isn't my opinion we should be listening to in that instance. I feel like some in this thread if they walked by two 10 year olds saying they loved the film they'd probably tell them why they're wrong.

It's a free world and we're all fully within our rights to praise/condemn whatever it is we want to but I've picked the hill I wish to die on and that hill is that I think grown men getting bent out of shape over a Disney princess film is a bit sad. Maybe I'm just a sexist but I'd have more sympathy if this was Star Wars or something. Not much, mind you. But more sympathy than I have for Snow White.
Interesting discussion going on here.

Can we just all agree that Disney is a shadow of itself, and they stuff they are churning out is trash. Even my kids think so. No need for all these live action remakes, no need to recast actors to tick boxes. Its beyond a joke now.
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