SNP to break up Britian?

I asked the question as to why you thought they would be immune from suffering from shocks.

And I answered it, you then compared Scotland to two nations that needed assistance (as the UK has in the past, and co-incidentally one of those small nations is now seeing more growth than we are)..

So I would say it is incumbent on you to explain your predication, as opposed to me.

I don't see how anyone is immune, not just Scotland ...

Some countries were not effected in the same way, if at all. It depended entirely on their economies, some dealt with the crash really easily.
So, what is the referendum about then Fox?

I'm starting to wonder, really. It's held up as the answer to every problem anyone can think of. The default answer to every question is 'blame Westminster, it will be better with independence'.

What is it about? Whats the point?

What happens if you get independance and realise that actually not much changes for the better because fancy that, it wasn't all some sort of nasty Westminster conspiracy that was causing everything you felt was wrong after all.

with a vast array of resources.

No it's not (and thats not anti Scot (Though I'd hope that despite us completely disagreeing you know my opinion is not based on a dislike for Scotland, quite the contrary infact), neither is England). Australia is a country with a 'vast array of resources'. The United Kingdom is not.
Scotland is an economically and socially developed country, with a vast array of resources.

The irony of you proding at the misfortune of others while the UK limps along in relative decline isn't lost on me anyway. Heaven forbid anyone looks at the larger picture that includes nations that can successfully manage their affairs irrespective of geographic or population size.

So if the UK continues to limp along, and Scotland begins to boom is that a sign for or against a monetary union with the BoE Pound either Informal or Formal?
Scotland will Boom, just like Ireland and Cyprus did and that pattern will repeat. There is no evidence to say otherwise. The oil wealth will not be put back into the nation aka like Norway but taken up via shareholders and the co-operate hand bagging that will offer members of the scotish elite sweet deals so they can sell out there own again. The writing is already on the wall for this as the lobbying of SNP politicions has ramped up significantly.
(you can read this in the press)

Its about time it was kicked in the touch anyway and had a slap for being gobby again.
[TW]Fox;24319221 said:
I'm starting to wonder, really. It's held up as the answer to every problem anyone can think of. The default answer to every question is 'blame Westminster, it will be better with independence'.

What is it about? Whats the point?

It isn't, but your refusal to stop arguing from emotion means that you only see everything as 'blame Westminster', it's far more complex.

I know what it's about, I'm asking you, as you discount everything brought forward.

So if it isn't history, the present, or the future.. what are we allowed to think about by your logic?

[TW]Fox;24319221 said:
What happens if you get independance and realise that actually not much changes for the better because fancy that, it wasn't all some sort of nasty Westminster conspiracy that was causing everything you felt was wrong after all.

It isn't as prejorative black and white portrayal that you seem so confortable with.

[TW]Fox;24319221 said:
No it's not (and thats not anti Scot (Though I'd hope that despite us completely disagreeing you know my opinion is not based on a dislike for Scotland, quite the contrary infact), neither is England). Australia is a country with a 'vast array of resources'. The United Kingdom is not.

Scotland has a huge abundance of demographic and natural resource.

I'm not going to be convinced by someone at the other end of the UK that Scotland is in fact energy poor, fishing poor, financial services and export poor, and that it's people are actually poor people in rich clothing..

It's amazing really isn't it.
Scotland will Boom, just like Ireland and Cyprus did and that pattern will repeat. There is no evidence to say otherwise. The oil wealth will not be put back into the nation aka like Norway but taken up via shareholders and the co-operate hand bagging that will offer members of the scotish elite sweet deals so they can sell out there own again. The writing is already on the wall for this as the lobbying of SNP politicions has ramped up significantly.
(you can read this in the press)

Its about time it was kicked in the touch anyway and had a slap for being gobby again.

Scotland sustains itself within the UK, and could easily sustain itself independently.

Only when it is the prospect of Scotland gaining access to its resources are all of a sudden they are worthless and a hindrance..

The very week news broke about more acknowledgement of Westminster deceit and lies;

Scotsman said:
Scottish independence: UK underplayed value of oil

FORMER chancellor Lord Healey has admitted the UK government underplayed the value of Scottish oil in the 1970s to combat support for independence.

The former Labour deputy leader said the government downplayed figures on Scotland’s oil wealth to counter nationalism ahead of the 1979 devolution referendum.

Lord Healey told Holyrood magazine the unionist parties were now “worried stiff” about losing UK oil revenues if Scots vote for independence next year. The Labour peer said the UK would “suffer enormously” without the billions of pounds in tax the Treasury receives from oil.

He went on to claim that an independent Scotland would “survive perfectly well” due to North Sea reserves and that the rest of the UK would “just need to adjust”.

Lord Healey said: “I think they [Westminster politicians]are concerned about Scotland taking the oil. I think they are worried stiff about it.

“I think we would suffer enormously if the income from Scottish oil stopped, but if the Scots want it [independence], they should have it and we would just need to adjust.

“But I would think Scotland would survive perfectly well, economically, if it was independent Yes, I would think so … with the oil.”

Lord Healey said: “We did underplay the value of oil to the country because of the threat of nationalism, but that was mainly down to Thatcher.

“We didn’t actually see the rewards from oil in my period in office, because we were investing in the infrastructure rather than getting the returns and really, Thatcher wouldn’t have been able to carry out her policies without that additional 5 per cent on GDP from oil. Incredible good luck she had from that.

“It’s true we should have invested the money in things we needed in Britain and I had thought about an oil fund, but it wasn’t really my responsibility by then.”
Scotland has a huge abundance of demographic and natural resource.

I'm not going to be convinced by someone at the other end of the UK that Scotland is in fact energy poor, fishing poor, financial services and export poor, and that it's people are actually poor people in rich clothing..

Thats not what I said really, is it? I was referring to natural resources. We don't have a vast array of natural resources in the UK when compared to some other countries in the world with whom we compete on the world stage.

It's amazing really isn't it.

[TW]Fox;24319767 said:
Presumably deceit and lies are a purely Westminster thing? I mean, it wouldn't happen anywhere else would it?

You would presume wrong. Unfortunately there was no other Government at the time, so it's only right that their lies are examined.
[TW]Fox;24319783 said:
Thats not what I said really, is it? I was referring to natural resources. We don't have a vast array of natural resources in the UK when compared to some other countries in the world with whom we compete on the world stage.

Scotland, not the UK, has an enormous amount of resources for a country of its size. Given it was a comment I made, I know the context it was made in.

Can you enlighten me as to what we are to be considering with regards to the referendumanyway?
To be fair, if he used the multi quote function his post count would be 4-5x lower (not a stab at you Bio, just pointing out its not as bad as he's portraying it).

Here's another one! ;)

It depends how I'm feeling, and what I'm posting on. 1/4th of the conversation isn't that bad, I've seen me top 50% before on topic.

I'm surpised that Fox is in fact second, and still holding on for dear life..
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