So a 6 tonne stone was transported from Scotland to Stonehenge 5,000 years ago

If people read the article they would have seen that's what the experts also said :cry:

Yeah have read it now and goes with my understanding that when the ice is receding it carried rocks and like with it in a northern direction.

"However research has shown that ice would actually have carried such stones "northwards, away from Stonehenge", lead study author Anthony Clarke from Australia's Curtin University told a news conference"
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I visited Stonehenge about 20 years ago and the most fascinating thing I remember were these two stones sat next to each other outside the visitor centre. You were allowed to touch these stones and I remember one being considerably more heat absorbing than the other, a tactile reminder that they were not from the same geographically area.
Was you forced to go and see it against your will.
full wicker person ?

Starmers neothlic predecessor implementing levelling up policy in South - when wagon drivers salaries weren't as great;
some of the pyramid stones came ~600miles though, so UK subsequently lost the world record.
dunno why there is a whole discussion about how they moved it, everyone seems to be missing the obvious that scotland is up compared to stonehenge, I think the problem would have been STOPPING it from rolling on past stonehenge.
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It's only 6 tonnes.
google says 75 people could lift it

Might be a bit of a challenge but it's not like people would have had much to do 5000 years ago.

ropes been around for 25,000 years you could probably move it fairly easily with ropes and pulleys.

googling suggests over 3500 years ago people had trade ships carrying 250- 500 tonnes.

moving a 6tone stone is no great achievement
75 people could lift it? That too many people 5000 years ago. No wonder people 5000 years later are retards at conspiracy theories. :o

Let me google it...

Google says you only need just 1 strongest draft horse that can lift 6 ton.

75 people could lift it? That too many people 5000 years ago. No wonder people 5000 years later are retards at conspiracy theories. :o

Let me google it...

Google says you only need just 1 strongest draft horse that can lift 6 ton.

Except draft horses didn't exist five millenia ago. This whole thread is a trainwreck. But hilarious.
I do wonder if this would have been discovered had it not been for those JSO prats. The science bods have obviously been documenting any damage from that, maybe they discovered this as a result.
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