currently I have a Deebot omni X1 and it is keeping our kitchen and living room clean, I only have to change out the dirty water once a week and add fresh water. I also had a chance to play with
Trifo Maxwell
Eufy LR30 hybrid+
Trifo Lucy
Bagotte BG700
Honiture Q6
Honiture G20
and a few more in between, most do what they say on the tin and added feature like CCTV, self emptying, room mapping will add cost.
Robot is great for daily clean to maintain a certain level of standard, it will work in the background and without rest if you want it to. The more expensive it is the more consistent the cleaning will be and less down time (stuck). Vacuum function is really mature tech for robots right now and I dare say it work better than most human given it can do it daily without fail where we will need to have the time and effort to keep up. Human is needed for the cleaning off spills and big mess, where a mop is needed to soak up excess puddle or caked in sauce etc. I also have a robot lawn mower which I bought 2nd hand a couple of years back and it has been life changing, it does not cut to the edge and often stuck at holes where the fox dug out but what it can do is again working in the background and keeping the grass low enough so when weekend comes and the stars, sun and moon align to give us dry weather I can go around to use a trimmer and finish off the edges. Without it I would have missed cutting the grass for months when every weekend is either wet or had family/kids plans.