So, Anyone Got Their Christmas Tree(s) Up Yet?

Funny, I was thinking about that today.

Not long now.

I used to love Christmas when I was a kid. Not so much now, my family are all dead. BUUUT, I still like to make the effort. :)
Decorating takes time, so I want my money's worth for my effort, and the build up to Christmas is way, way better than the post-25th aftermath, when you realise Santa isn't bringing you what you wanted, after all, and everything suddenly feels tired and mildly depressing. Of course, that's easy to say now I'm not in retail any more and dreading the endless Christmas songs and consumerist addiction. I used to have really bad seasonal humbuggery. #NotThatKind

So now I start decorating on the anniversary of my Mum's death on Nov 15th, and steadily jolly the place up until the tree goes up on Dec 1st (a man gotta have a code! #Omar). But I may start putting (white only) lights up sooner, outside. Long, dark evenings need a bit of cheering up. Coloured ones from Dec 1st, only, though. Them's the rules.

By New Year's Day it'll all be gone, ready for a fresh new... er, miserable January. :D
I live alone, so no.

I put some lights up in the window to show my fellow neighbors that I am not a scrooge. Then they keep falling down because the tape has come off, they get tangled in the window blinds. I put them back up but don't make a big effort of it. then i go out the front and realise they look like a droopy pair of boobs
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Wow. This is crazy. You guys have Xmas decs up before December??christof Christmas tree is in his 7th or 8th year with us now. As he's alive he can't come in too early. He's lost his Christmas tree shape.

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If it was up to my missus we would - I'm normally on high-alert in November and have to keep warning her not to do it. She normally gets her own way around the last week of November. She is 54 years old :rolleyes:
If it was up to my missus we would - I'm normally on high-alert in November and have to keep warning her not to do it. She normally gets her own way around the last week of November. She is 54 years old :rolleyes:
My other half is just as bad.

There is a ban on all Christmas movies, Christmas shopping and related foods. If she comes home with any before December I have jokingly said she is not coming in the house until they have been returned to the shop for a refund!

We have a discussion every year of when the tree is going up and I put it off as long as possible
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