So Gordon Brown is a freemasson

^ That picture needs jetpacks photoshopped in :D JETPACKS. DO IT!

On a side note, I always thought dogoid's use of magick's bonkers statement in his sig was taking the pee. Apparently not :o :(
Em, surely the point of having a handshake is that masons can identify each other, using a normal handshake with everyone else and then changing it to greet someone you know is a mason makes no sense whatsoever.

It would only be relevant if Gordon Brown used the same handshake with everybody and this bloke returned it in the same fashion - otherwise the room could have been full of masons and he wouldn't even know because he didn't signify that he was correctly.
Amagad he's got a claw!


he'll be eating cat food next
give me a F
give me a R
give me an E
give me an E
give me a M
give me an A
give me an S
give me an S
give me an O
give me an N
give me an S

What do you get? FREEMASSONS! :/
it looks like david Rockefeller hes shaking hands with.

Oh yeah. Because of course, you're exactly the sort of person who would know. :rolleyes:

It was Mervyn King, Governor of the Bank of England. Not David Rockefeller.

if so, then its most certain a free masonic handshake.


there are secret groups that the world elite are members of, 1 infamous group is the bilderberg , and they hold secret meetings every year since the 50's , and that was at the bilderberg hotel in holland.

Bilderberg is not a secret group! Everyone knows who they are and when they meet; there's nothing secretive about it!

members and attendees of this group decide who becomes prime minsters and presidents.

No they don't.

The world isn't as exciting as you desperately want it to be. And the government isn't as interested in you as you are in yourself.
Bilderberg is not a secret group! Everyone knows who they are and when they meet; there's nothing secretive about it!

I think he meant what is discussed or 'decided' at these meetings is highly secretive.

Most these politicians/world leaders are members of very strange secret organisations, and engage in bizarre rituals. This is hidden from the public and even the very idea is made to seem ridiculous but it goes on and there is enough proof out there if you actually look for it. It will never be shown on the main stream media.
Most these politicians/world leaders are members of very strange secret organisations, and engage in bizarre rituals. This is hidden from the public and even the very idea is made to seem ridiculous but it goes on and there is enough proof out there if you actually look for it. It will never be shown on the main stream media.

At the risk of starting something I really don't want to; when you say proof then what do you mean? Ideally I'd be looking for something that isn't just some random person on the internet spotting a mis-grip of a handshake or similar and then determining it as part of an arcane ritual but I appreciate that might be all the evidence there is to support this.
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