So i Failed my Module 1... :(

Br4d - to be honest I think they just want your money. I really don't think any additional training will make your chance of passing mod 2 any higher as you already ride a scooter and a car so you are experienced enough to go for it.

I'd disagree. The training is useful as it covers more than just how to ride the bike, it covers the stuff that the examiner will be looking for. Correct positioning, lifesavers, proper indication (and cancelling!), lane discipline etc.

Whilst somebody might be able to ride a scooter around it doesn't necessarily mean they can impress an examiner - they want to see everything done by the book so I'd recommend doing at least a couple of days training, not to learn the actual mechanics of riding but to learn the stuff that the examiner wants to see.
Whilst somebody might be able to ride a scooter around it doesn't necessarily mean they can impress an examiner - they want to see everything done by the book so I'd recommend doing at least a couple of days training, not to learn the actual mechanics of riding but to learn the stuff that the examiner wants to see.

This. I rode a YBR125 for 15 months before going into my tests. Passed Mod 1 and 2 first time, with only a one day lesson. The one day lesson helped me iron out my bad points but I was glad there was not much for me to improve on, just gotta remember, lifesavers and observations!!
I'd been driving over 10 years when I was looking at my mod 2. Didn't really think I needed 2 whole days training so the training school were good and let me take the CBT Plus. Cheaper than 2 days training and I still got followed and advised by an instructor for a bit :)
I'd disagree. The training is useful as it covers more than just how to ride the bike, it covers the stuff that the examiner will be looking for. Correct positioning, lifesavers, proper indication (and cancelling!), lane discipline etc.

Whilst somebody might be able to ride a scooter around it doesn't necessarily mean they can impress an examiner - they want to see everything done by the book so I'd recommend doing at least a couple of days training, not to learn the actual mechanics of riding but to learn the stuff that the examiner wants to see.

True... when I went for my DAS, my riding was perfectly fine.

All I needed the training for was to nail the correct positioning, indication, exactly where they expect to see lifesavers etc etc

Took a day and a half... could probably have done less, but wanted to be absolutely certain I would pass the first time.

My tutor was good, he had so much demand he was happy whether I did 0.5 days or 5.0 days... didn't matter to him as he wouldn't lose money either way. So he just gave me as much as I needed...
I'd disagree. The training is useful as it covers more than just how to ride the bike, it covers the stuff that the examiner will be looking for. Correct positioning, lifesavers, proper indication (and cancelling!), lane discipline etc.

Whilst somebody might be able to ride a scooter around it doesn't necessarily mean they can impress an examiner - they want to see everything done by the book so I'd recommend doing at least a couple of days training, not to learn the actual mechanics of riding but to learn the stuff that the examiner wants to see.

That might be true if your trainer is good, my one didn't give a toss and the training was bases on 3/4 students with 1 trainer. Basically it was riding to the test centre where someone would take mod1 or mod2 and then back to the school. I got very little advice too and I would rate the school I did my training with as 1 out of 5.
That might be true if your trainer is good, my one didn't give a toss and the training was bases on 3/4 students with 1 trainer. Basically it was riding to the test centre where someone would take mod1 or mod2 and then back to the school. I got very little advice too and I would rate the school I did my training with as 1 out of 5.

Which shool did you train with if you don't mind me asking?

I've just booked a CBT with a school that seems to have quite a few locations around Hertfordshire. I plan do to my DAS with them if we get on.
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Got my Module 2 Test Tommorow! Hopefully it goes well :)

Then i can take these L Plates off if i pass :D
Good luck :)

One thing I'm trying to remember is to turn my bloody indicators off!

aha, im not too bad at that. but the bike im learning on has a dodgey indicator switch, its like very high up and hard to reach with your thumb and doesnt click inwards to cancel. you have to pull it to the middle, but pull it too much and it signals the other way :|

Cheers mate :)
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