So I got my ears unblocked...

Willhub, did you have to use olive oil for a week prior? I am interested to know. I'm due to be syringed on 19th October with ENT, and in the past I had to use olive oil as ear drops to soften the wax.
Atleast you didn't develop tinnitus because of said unblocking OP

I have got tinnitus and it's so annoying. I didnt have it until I had grommets in, from that day on I have had a consent buzzing in my right ear :(.
I've had syringing done before. I think my hearing aid moulds can act like the ram of a cannon so wax gets pushed quite a long way into my ears. Sometimes olive oil just won't do the trick. It's not something I look forward to I have to say.

After perforating my ear drum a few years ago from an ear infection, I have a fear about having this done in the future.
I'm deaf and I used to go a hospital in London for checkups. I once had this procedure done to both my ears. One ear had just recovered from a perforated ear drum. So the nurse starts the water jet, cue instant pain. They check my ear out and decide to leave it and move onto the other ear. Next day green gunk is pouring out of the ear. Wouldn't have been so bad if black gunk wasn't pouring out of the other ear.
Was under the impression that syringing can do harm. They should really explain that in advance.

Glad it worked out ok for you. If you think about it, most likely your hearing is now too good, as normally you would have a slight coating in your ear. Be careful over next few days bud.
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Funny this thread appeared. I had a shower earlier and was cleaning my ears when I must have pushed some wax too far down my ear (never happened before) as now I'm half deaf in that ear and it hurts a bit. Annoying and unexpected. Got some olive oil drops already so hoping they do the trick but if not I think I'm going to need it flushed out good and proper.
I've having my ear(s) done on monday, unlike most here because of an inbalance issue if one get's blocked I end up nasuated and dizzy, sometimes sick. Though lately it could also be all the medication i'm on
Trouble is if I got that done I'd get really disturbed by all the background noise, especially if trying to sleep - fridges, boilers, water pipes in the house (have been in the past, leading to extreme irritability).
Shame really - need to maintain a certain level of desensitivity.
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