So I'm like in the Nov issue of Professional Photographer

Great acheivement. I will one day follow suite :D

Go on, give us the juice, how much did you get? :D The money pails in comparison to the contacts and publicity this will generate for you and also what a line to put in to a CV!

Need an assistant yet Pete? ;)
Fstop11 said:
I am reading it now. Just picked the mag up..

I wish you hadnt said anything actually coz I would have got it today, opened it and gone.. ooooh!! :)

The images look great mate. Very good quality

Hehe well I was beaten to it on another forum so I wanted to get in first here :D

Colin_da_Killer said:
Great acheivement. I will one day follow suite :D

Go on, give us the juice, how much did you get? :D The money pails in comparison to the contacts and publicity this will generate for you and also what a line to put in to a CV!

Need an assistant yet Pete? ;)

If you're willing to work for free, sure climb aboard :D I can't say about the pay as I don't fully know yet.
Fstop11 said:
I love the photo of Karen Mcbride holding your 30D and 10 - 20.. You just want to say! LOOK!! MY CAMERA!! :D

Haha yeah :D She's also using my Mac too. Its like having a seal of approval stamped on everything :D
Nice one will pick up a copy, your HDR guide is very handy and informative for a amateur like myself!

As with most things right place right time!

Good Work!
You're my hero ;)

seriously though, there is no one more deserving of this then you right now, the time and effort you put into your work and the quality of the stuff you produce, it's about time you started to make some headway :)

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