So I'm like in the Nov issue of Professional Photographer

paddy said:
Thats fantastic! Well Done!

I can see the interviews in a few years time:
Reporter: "So when did you know Pete was going to make it as a photographer"
Ocuk Member: "When he showed us his lit balls..." (painting with light competition Jan 2004 :) )

One of my Vision lecturers at university carried out some of the initial research into HDR a few years back - still doing it today.

Anyway - Well done again, you deserve it :)
haha you cant argue with that!! Thats the very image that sold me on his talents too!
Well done Pete, thats awesome news.

Will pick it up asap - cant say im a huge fan of HDR but i have always liked your shots regardless.

What mac is the keyboard hooked to ?
paddy said:
Thats fantastic! Well Done!

I can see the interviews in a few years time:
Reporter: "So when did you know Pete was going to make it as a photographer"
Ocuk Member: "When he showed us his lit balls..." (painting with light competition Jan 2004 :) )

One of my Vision lecturers at university carried out some of the initial research into HDR a few years back - still doing it today.

Anyway - Well done again, you deserve it :)

Cheers. Funnily enough my balls (apples) are going to be auctioned off for some Liverpool Food n Drink thing. I can't wait to see the final figure.

Fstop11 said:
haha you cant argue with that!! Thats the very image that sold me on his talents too!

Its funny in a way as that image was just one of those moments were I got hit by something. I dunno but its taken me a while to feel like I've finally topped that level of creativity. Its easy to go out and shoot a building but to do something like that, to just pluck the idea out of the ether, I'm finding it hard to replicate.

Shimmyhill said:
Well done Pete, thats awesome news.

Will pick it up asap - cant say im a huge fan of HDR but i have always liked your shots regardless.

What mac is the keyboard hooked to ?

HDR isn't for everyone but it does allow me to stand out in a crowd, especially as everyone has already taken every decent cliched Liverpool shot before. Oh and the Mac keyboard is wireless so its not hooked up at all ;) It is connected to my PC while my Mac is in for repairs :( 4 weeks and counting... *sniff sniff* You can actually see my Macbook Pro on page 67 :D
cyKey said:
Oh and the Mac keyboard is wireless so its not hooked up at all ;) It is connected to my PC while my Mac is in for repairs :( 4 weeks and counting... *sniff sniff* You can actually see my Macbook Pro on page 67 :D

PC :eek:

I take it all back ;)

I use the BT Apple keyboard aswell - its awesome, i forget its wireless and that says it all. Is it you mini thats in for repair ? 4 weeks is getting on for call up and demand a new machine time !
Congrats Pete, it just goes to show that a bit of luck, a bit of tenacity,
a good Photographer in the right place with the right people can help your
career immensily !! Seriously chuffed for you and to think I used to judge
your photographs on here ! Not sure I'm quite worthy enough :eek:
Well done mate !
Fstop11 said:
To be honest. You dont need a professional to say they like an apple product to justify its greatness. everyone loves my 17" powerbook. I can only imagine a Macbook pro is at least 4x better :P

tbh i never really got the way people rave about macs

is it just because they are much better looking than PC notebooks

cos i didnt find OSX that amazing tbh ...

all i can see is an un-upgradeable laptop with a very limited options list. At least with PC laptops theres ones all the way from £350 to £3500, with macbooks theres only about 6 to choose from

and of course now the hardware is just the same as an intel laptop.
MrLOL said:
tbh i never really got the way people rave about macs

is it just because they are much better looking than PC notebooks

cos i didnt find OSX that amazing tbh ...

and of course now the hardware is just the same as an intel laptop.

Run away! ;) Best to never go there, ever :D Personal choice, nuff said. Thanks again guys. Really means a lot to me. Puz, you're always worth to judge my work. You helped to inspire me and continue to :)
cyKey said:
Run away! ;) Best to never go there, ever :D Personal choice, nuff said. Thanks again guys. Really means a lot to me. Puz, you're always worth to judge my work. You helped to inspire me and continue to :)

is it design or function that makes it your choice

just curious, not here to debate :)
First congrats that's a real step forward in your career. I hope it's a step toward something much bigger for you as I've always admired your photography.

cyKey said:
Its funny in a way as that image was just one of those moments were I got hit by something. I dunno but its taken me a while to feel like I've finally topped that level of creativity. Its easy to go out and shoot a building but to do something like that, to just pluck the idea out of the ether, I'm finding it hard to replicate.

Yes, yes and yes again. I find it's these creative shots that are the hardest to take. It's probably why I do so badly at the ocuk compos as I know I can take good photos but to get creative within a set subject i find difficult.

There are three of your photos that really stand out for me as being in the creative category from the competitions. The 'Painting with light', 'Wood' (both before I joined up) and 'Man versus Nature'. This is where I find my own photography falls down as I always seem to find something in the 'back catalogue' but struggle to come up with unique ideas for the relevant theme.

Having said that I never went through a flower macro stage so I think that makes it level ;)

OK maybe not :(
MrLOL said:
is it design or function that makes it your choice

just curious, not here to debate :)

The machine is asthetically pleasing to look at and use. I like the way OSX works, I love Aperture of which there is nothing like it for Windows and I dunno but there is something personal about OSX. Maybe its the way you can customize things I dunno. It just feels like its my machine. I've never really had that with a PC. The main real reason, professional speaking, is Aperture. Its helped a lot with my workflow. Its helped me organise my library better and keyword and rate images for easy lookup.

ranarama said:
First congrats that's a real step forward in your career. I hope it's a step toward something much bigger for you as I've always admired your photography.

Yes, yes and yes again. I find it's these creative shots that are the hardest to take. It's probably why I do so badly at the ocuk compos as I know I can take good photos but to get creative within a set subject i find difficult.

There are three of your photos that really stand out for me as being in the creative category from the competitions. The 'Painting with light', 'Wood' (both before I joined up) and 'Man versus Nature'. This is where I find my own photography falls down as I always seem to find something in the 'back catalogue' but struggle to come up with unique ideas for the relevant theme.

Having said that I never went through a flower macro stage so I think that makes it level ;)

OK maybe not :(

I completely agree. The OcUK Photo Comp has been so helpful in getting my creative juices flowing. I'm not sure why but the past year or so I haven't felt *as* creative. I haven't had those great moments that really made the shots you mentioned. If I were to pick something at random I'd say it was the drive to become more professional, to add more polish to my images. I think in the past 12 months I've been more critical and more stressed out about getting things right. Its helped, but I think its come at a price of creativity. At least a loss of those random flashes. I do know that when pushed it'll happen. Did it once, can do it again :D
Well done cyKey, that's really something to be proud of. If I were you i'd be as happy as a pig in mud!. Having seen a lot of the liverpool scenes in real life it's easy to see that you really do have talent. Good job :p :D .
Just thinking about the evolution of photography now, and I think you are more of a digital artist than a straight photographer. I think this a pretty good summary of how things are moving everywhere though.

If we saw your shots out of the camera I doubt we would be blow away. I think your composition is good, but I think its the digital processing is where your strengths lie. Its embracing a latest trend/software feature and working hard to get good results using these electronic tools. ie HDR. many people play, but you have made it a signature of your style.

Not a critism whatsoever. I think its a great strength to have. If I could find someone who did all of the photoshop work for me with my business i would be a very happy man.
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As I said elsewhere, thats very cool!

So how many issues are you going to buy? :D

I am still trying to find it in my local newsagents. Hopefully I will get a copy soon. :)
morgan said:
Just thinking about the evolution of photography now, and I think you are more of a digital artist than a straight photographer. I think this a pretty good summary of how things are moving everywhere though.

If we saw your shots out of the camera I doubt we would be blow away. I think your composition is good, but I think its the digital processing is where your strengths lie. Its embracing a latest trend/software feature and working hard to get good results using these electronic tools. ie HDR. many people play, but you have made it a signiture of your style.

Not a critism whatsoever. I think its a great strength to have. If I could find someone who did all of the photoshop work for me with my business i would be a very happy man.

Yeah I totally agree. I would so love to be able to take pictures without having to process them. I went through a phase of trying that but I came to the conclusion that if people have been using the darkroom for 60 odd years then surely I can use Photoshop :) I'm lucky in that I've always been half this and half that. At school I wasn't better at Arts or Sciences. I did Art based A Levels, then a science base degree, then a web design job and then a web developer job. So along the way I've played both sides and thankfully spent years using Photoshop before photography. I meet a lot of photographers/artists who are usually one thing or another. Great photographer, rubbish at computers. Great at computers, rubbish at photography :) I'm very thankful that I know how to use a camera and also how to use Photoshop. As you say, without Photoshop skills my images would be quite bland. There are days where I would love to go from being 50/50 to 100 ;)

Joe T said:
As I said elsewhere, thats very cool!

So how many issues are you going to buy? :D

I am still trying to find it in my local newsagents. Hopefully I will get a copy soon. :)

I've got 5 so far :D 1 is going to TerraS in Toronto as I don't think he can get a copy there. Another might be going to the Photomatix dudes incase they can't get one too. Its not a magazine that appears in every store like Practical Photography, but it will be in larger magazine stores like Borders / Smiths.
Congrats. You're hard working, talented and innovative and deserve some quality exposure (no pun intended) at last.
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