So I'm like in the Nov issue of Professional Photographer

I'll echo everyone else and say a really big well done! I'll be picking myself up a copy tomorrow. :)

Will be funny seeing pictures in the mag that we've already seen and talked about on here before, its like a massive sneak preview!
Awesome Pete, I remember a couple of years ago when you were less-pro.

What a great achievement in such a short space of time.

Have the mag contacted you about future articles?
Tesla said:
Awesome Pete, I remember a couple of years ago when you were less-pro.

What a great achievement in such a short space of time.

Have the mag contacted you about future articles?

The past 3 years have gone from this to this...


They haven't mentioned anything else yet.
yak.h'cir said:
Would be interesting to see if your website takes a few thousand extra hits after this!

Nothing yet...

morgan said:
That flower shot is amazing...not too sure about the other shot... :)

I know! Its a flower macro and it looks like a little person too! ;)
cyKey said:
The past 3 years have gone from this to this...


They haven't mentioned anything else yet.

Congrats :)

Do you have a Bigger Version of the one on the right, Its it absolutly :eek: :cool:
Hey cykey a big well done for you. :) Everbodys dream is making that big break and the door is well open to you now. Had a big smile on my face when i was reading your post and felt really pleased for you. Your hdr guide and photographs are something else man, out of this world.

All the best in the future for you!
Went to Tesco today looking for a copy of this mag. Left with a copy of the Grauniad and New Scientist.:( Might have to go to the Tesco in Manchester for this mag.
Thats fantastic! Well Done!

I can see the interviews in a few years time:
Reporter: "So when did you know Pete was going to make it as a photographer"
Ocuk Member: "When he showed us his lit balls..." (painting with light competition Jan 2004 :) )

One of my Vision lecturers at university carried out some of the initial research into HDR a few years back - still doing it today.

Anyway - Well done again, you deserve it :)
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