Give or take a month or two, I can't remember the exact date. And before anyone points out my Join date, there was a big Forum nuke in October 2002
Thought I'd reminisce a little and post things that have changed in that time... I apologise in advance for any mistakes, I've only just realised it has been ten years, so this reminiscing is "as I type".
Computer hardware.
The "must have" CPU of the day was the AMD 1.4GHz "Thunderbird".
Coupled with 512MB of RAM - an amount considered more than ample! - and a GFX card such as a GeForce4 Ti4400 and you were considered to own a machine of pwnage!
If you owned a TFT you were considered pretentious, and extravagant.
Internet Connectivity.
ADSL and Cable were just beginning mass roll out.
Waiting for 2months+ to have your line connected, and ritually saying goodbye to your 56k modem was a joyous occasion. Many took time off work to enjoy the "lag free" gaming. Well, I did.
Wikipedia had just been launched was almost barren of information. You actually had to search for your information and references yourself
Google was the "new and hip" way to search the web. Yahoo still dominated search stats.
MSN Messenger was firmly the "must use" IM.
Counterstrike was the "must play" game on-line.
CS1.3 had just been released, and caused quite a stir.
Q3 and UT were still going strong, but CS really dominated the online community.
Battlefield 1942 was yet to be released.
WoW was un-heard of.
Politics (well, what I can remember of them from then)
Labour were of course still in charge, a year after they were re-elected, lead by Tony Blair.
Apparently the economy was "booming", some voiced concern, but were largely ignored.
No wars to really speak of.
Some concern over China and North Korea, but nothing out of the ordinary. The World Trade Centre still standing at this point, of course.
The Media
"Chavs" were the up-and-coming hate-fad.
That and the soon-to-be-broadcast "Pop Idol".
These Forums
Characters like MindYerBeak, 2Blue4u, EyeDot, LostKat, Balddog etc in the "LNSA".
Animated (and bigger) sigs allowed.
Guns as avatars.
I was a very different person 10 years ago.
I'd not long had myself a job in a large multi-national company, still filled with hope and determination (that was soon after destroyed by the same company) to succeed in life.
Angry. Angry a lot of the time. Very cocky, too.
Relatively care-free.
If anyone else wants to post memories, please do
Thought I'd reminisce a little and post things that have changed in that time... I apologise in advance for any mistakes, I've only just realised it has been ten years, so this reminiscing is "as I type".
Computer hardware.
The "must have" CPU of the day was the AMD 1.4GHz "Thunderbird".
Coupled with 512MB of RAM - an amount considered more than ample! - and a GFX card such as a GeForce4 Ti4400 and you were considered to own a machine of pwnage!
If you owned a TFT you were considered pretentious, and extravagant.
Internet Connectivity.
ADSL and Cable were just beginning mass roll out.
Waiting for 2months+ to have your line connected, and ritually saying goodbye to your 56k modem was a joyous occasion. Many took time off work to enjoy the "lag free" gaming. Well, I did.
Wikipedia had just been launched was almost barren of information. You actually had to search for your information and references yourself
Google was the "new and hip" way to search the web. Yahoo still dominated search stats.
MSN Messenger was firmly the "must use" IM.
Counterstrike was the "must play" game on-line.
CS1.3 had just been released, and caused quite a stir.
Q3 and UT were still going strong, but CS really dominated the online community.
Battlefield 1942 was yet to be released.
WoW was un-heard of.
Politics (well, what I can remember of them from then)
Labour were of course still in charge, a year after they were re-elected, lead by Tony Blair.
Apparently the economy was "booming", some voiced concern, but were largely ignored.
No wars to really speak of.
Some concern over China and North Korea, but nothing out of the ordinary. The World Trade Centre still standing at this point, of course.
The Media
"Chavs" were the up-and-coming hate-fad.
That and the soon-to-be-broadcast "Pop Idol".
These Forums
Characters like MindYerBeak, 2Blue4u, EyeDot, LostKat, Balddog etc in the "LNSA".
Animated (and bigger) sigs allowed.
Guns as avatars.
I was a very different person 10 years ago.
I'd not long had myself a job in a large multi-national company, still filled with hope and determination (that was soon after destroyed by the same company) to succeed in life.
Angry. Angry a lot of the time. Very cocky, too.
Relatively care-free.
If anyone else wants to post memories, please do
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