[TW]Fox;19315808 said:I would post memories but they will be exactly the same as yours as I registered in March 01 I think
Computer hardware.
The "must have" CPU of the day was the AMD 1.4GHz "Thunderbird".
Coupled with 512MB of RAM - an amount considered more than ample! - and a GFX card such as a GeForce4 Ti4400 and you were considered to own a machine of pwnage!
If you owned a TFT you were considered pretentious, and extravagant.
2001? i had no pc, no internet, no interest in computing at all. good times.
These Forums
Characters like MindYerBeak, 2Blue4u, EyeDot, LostKat, Balddog etc in the "LNSA".
Animated (and bigger) sigs allowed.
Guns as avatars.
Think I registered in 2000 or 1999, probably 2000. The 1.1GHz T'bird was zomg awesome... with a GlobalWin FOP38, completely with stupidly loud delta fan stuck on top.
God I hated that thing.
Ah those good old days. Never heard of OCUK then.
I wish I could remember my steam account from those times.