So Ive been scammed on Gumtree... what are my options?

My gf's son and mates would be able to do the kind of stuff the tech's in this thread have hinted at and would gladly do it for me, i get the impression that people on this forum think all the programs about a violent crime ridden UK are fiction.

look at the guy the thread's about he makes his living scamming suckers on the web for a decent take home pay, I bet him and his mates would soon be stealing a car and driving to someones house if he was the victim of a scam.
Lol just because you wouldn't or couldn't do that either because of being afraid or not having friends who would do a mission like that for you doesn't mean it's not true.

It's what most people would do who have a set.

Lol no. Most people "who have a set" would confront the guy face to face not destroy his pc :D.
The internet - where made up stories and gross exaggerations run rampant.

It's not made up at all, I'm no internet warrior, if I get wronged I'm entitled to set the world to rights. I'm not some 16 year old spotty kid in his bedroom (late 30s). HE on the other hand was I'd say very early 20's, bit of a douchebag ( tall hair, tattooed arm, etc) and not very bright, he didn't put up much of a fight either. A couple of slaps and he lay down and didn't do much. We took the cards and gave him an earful for being a little ****.
I got scammed on gumtree 2 years ago, I was selling 6780s and he gave me £200 worth of fake notes. The top 3 notes were real and I watched him count the money out and hand it to me. It was only when the police called to my door to try and do me for passing off fake notes that I realised what had happened (I quick lodged the money at my bank)

My wife was able to verify she had saw the guy give me the same notes I lodged and the cops didn't even bother to chase it up....I on the other hand hold a grudge!

My neighbour had cctv and he managed to get the number plate of the guys car, who parked beside my neighbour and not at my house, I was able to trace the car to an area in West Belfast. Took 2 days off work to recce the area with a friend and when we found the car parked outside the house we waited in my mates car until he made an appearance. He drove off with us following him in my mates car, to what we later found out was his mums house ( heard him say ok mum cya later)

When he returned to the first house, that confirmed he lived there so we went home and came back at 9.30pm with my mate knocking on his door and I waited out of sight. When he answered the door my mate and I barged in and knocked the pan off him, took back my graphics cards which were lying on his sofa. Told him if he ever showed his face near where I lived again we would come and destroy him and we knew where his mum lived too(for scare factor, would never do anything bad to his mum) Mentioned her address to him to confirm we knew where she was.

Never heard of him or from him ever again...Police wouldn't have done squat to help so sadly had to deal with it street style.

It's not made up at all, I'm no internet warrior, if I get wronged I'm entitled to set the world to rights. I'm not some 16 year old spotty kid in his bedroom (late 30s). HE on the other hand was I'd say very early 20's, bit of a douchebag ( tall hair, tattooed arm, etc) and not very bright, he didn't put up much of a fight either. A couple of slaps and he lay down and didn't do much. We took the cards and gave him an earful for being a little ****.

No you didn't. Stop it.
It's not made up at all, I'm no internet warrior, if I get wronged I'm entitled to set the world to rights. I'm not some 16 year old spotty kid in his bedroom (late 30s). HE on the other hand was I'd say very early 20's, bit of a douchebag ( tall hair, tattooed arm, etc) and not very bright, he didn't put up much of a fight either. A couple of slaps and he lay down and didn't do much. We took the cards and gave him an earful for being a little ****.

Did you save the world on the way home too?
It's not made up at all, I'm no internet warrior, if I get wronged I'm entitled to set the world to rights. I'm not some 16 year old spotty kid in his bedroom (late 30s). HE on the other hand was I'd say very early 20's, bit of a douchebag ( tall hair, tattooed arm, etc) and not very bright, he didn't put up much of a fight either. A couple of slaps and he lay down and didn't do much. We took the cards and gave him an earful for being a little ****.

I've seen that movie

did he have laser beams coming out of his eyes so you snapped his neck?
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