So today i started S.T.A.L.K.E.R for the first time

STALKER is a brilliant, unique series, and yes Call of Pripyat is the best one. The quest design, open environments, immersion is just incredible.
The only gripe I had with Stalker was the weight carry limit, it was way too low. If memory serves, there used to be a trainer that bypassed this but, I never bothered with it because I suspect it would have ruined the experience.

just stock up on that androgen solution , it lasts a long time and vastly increases your strength and carry threshold.
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I don't remember the weight limit really being a problem. I certainly don't think I could run between towns carrying 2 sets of body armour, a shotgun, an assault rifle, a pistol, a sniper rifle and a collection of grenades, ammo for all the guns and some food!
I don't remember the weight limit really being a problem. I certainly don't think I could run between towns carrying 2 sets of body armour, a shotgun, an assault rifle, a pistol, a sniper rifle and a collection of grenades, ammo for all the guns and some food!

The only times I found that the weight limit was a problem was after raiding a very large building. Taking the several hundred kilos of weapons and loot back home would require several trips, but that's to be expected really.

For most of the game there were enough options to increase your weight limit (armour upgrades, exoskeleton, artifacts, medicine, etc) to let you casually stroll around the map looking like this most of the time :p


I don't think there were armour upgrades in the first two, but i still don't remember having any weight limit problems in those games either
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I've only really got memory of the first one, can remember the Exoskeletons allowed you to carry a good amount more but you couldn't sprint.
Really feel I should try and complete Clear Sky but with CoP being rated as the best I might just jump straight back in there.
Does this support controllers through mods? I game on my bedroom PC now so would like to play this late in the evening im bed with a controller!

I think it's impossible because a controller doesn't have enough buttons ! This game has a lot of controls, more than your average FPS. There might be a mod out there that tries to address this, though I haven't heard of it yet.
It's best to play Stalker without mods at least once so then you appreciate what the mods bring to the game.

If not using Steam make sure to patch the games yourself

For SOC use patch 1.0005 or 1.0006, For CS (Clear sky) it's patch 10. COP (Call of Pripyat) does not require patching.

There's an extensive collection of mods for all three, COP has had many total and partial rebuilds made for it. The Russian modders have a particular skill for creating great mods and there's some amazing mods with completely new storylines that are very enjoyable. Many have been translated into English and can be found here.

New storyline mods:
The way to Pripyat and The Slayer mod are both excellent mods.

Extended storyline mods (Sigerous S.G.M.)

My favourites are the SGM 2.1 All-in-one and SGM 2.0 Geonezis

For playing the original story as it is with visual updates as well as other small additions such as new weapons and outfits etc you could try The Merge mods which include Atmosfear 3, Absolute Nature 3 and improvements such as a stash randomiser and many others.

The Merge mod 2015 is the most complete, The AI version of 2015 is the best however if you use that one turn the base radio option under sounds in the main menu off as it has a bug I missed which makes radios spawn each time you re-enter the map and you end up with a pile of them in the base, So to recap use Merge mod 2015 as there are no problems or use the AI Merge mod 2015 and turn the base radios of in the main menu's sounds section.

If you want to play SOC with a mod. The best I've seen is the latest Autumn Aurora 2 mod

If you want to play a total rebuild mod for SOC try Secret trails 2 which is a brilliant Russian mod with a very good English translation.
can any one point me to a weapon texture mod for stalker ;/ my google skills really suck
I've started one of these games about 4 times, get through the first few missions and as far as the checkpoint in a wall I think and stop playing.

Mainly because I got fed up with pointing my gun at things, firing and not hitting them, even up close :S
Stalker is a magnificent game my most favorite game on PC. Play the vanilla first than head on into the mods, Stalker has a nice mod community. It was the only game that made the hair on my neck stand up.
It's also possible to mod the weight carry limit yourself. Haven't got the link to the instructions at hand, but it's an easy enough mod.

It's also possible to mod the weight carry limit yourself. Haven't got the link to the instructions at hand, but it's an easy enough mod.


Yeah it can be altered by going into the game files but I suggest learning to pick and choose what you need on your ventures into the zone been able to carry 100kg+ gets very boring after awhile when you can carry a small army of guns and ammo with you. Later on a mod called Misery will test your Stalker skills to the limit.
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