You see the vicious circle here?
Everyone in the UK gets the same basic education. The rest is up to them.
You see the vicious circle here?
They absolutely are. Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it isn't happening.
White people are aggressively and constantly made to feel guilty about their entire existence for things done by white people centuries before.
White people are shamed for having 'privilege' and told that they deserve nothing they have accomplished, even if they have grown up in poverty and squalor.
White people are told they cannot celebrate or be proud of their history and heritage.
White people are told they are bland, boring and have no culture of their own because they have stolen everything.
White people are told they must stop having children because it is selfish, but they must also support opening the borders of majority white nations to the third world whilst no other majority POC country across the world is forced to do the same.
White people are called racist for not having a crippling sense of self-loathing and guilt simply for being white.
And then, after all this, they are told that it is impossible for any race to be racist against them which opens them up to constant abuse and discrimination online, perpetuated by the media and social media companies.
But yes, everything's cool.
CVs go in the bin for lots of reasons. Usually when people lack experience or it's written badly.
Where I work the people sorting CVs don't even get to see names or gender. The application is filled out online and those aren't asked.
Some employers may chuck CVs of black people or women in the bin, because they see the news and don't want to have to deal with that kind of hassle themselves.
Nope sorry I must have missed all of that as i dont feel any of that.
Everyone in the UK gets the same basic education. The rest is up to them.
And CVs of blacks and people of colour are put in the bin at many firms, because of 'unusual' names. Re-addressing this wrong is a good thing.
There is a short Dave Chapelle special on YouTube called 8:46 dealing with, in part, the Black Lives Matter movement. It’s pretty good and will probably evoke some sympathy in even the steeliest of critics of the movement.
Yeah, it does sound pretty darn ****ed up in the US when info is set out as he puts it.
He wasn’t apologetic for him at all? I’m pretty sure he expressly said, at points, it was terrifying and also that he was a lunatic? He was simply making the points that:Yea I watched a bit of that, stopped when his tone was a bit apologetic to chris dorner for murdering 4 people though.
Wasn't the point of kneel in the US being a big deal is because they play there National Anthem before any kind of event? Hence protesting whilst its being played is a bigger deal.
Shudders, imagine God Save the queens played before everything.
He wasn’t apologetic for him at all? I’m pretty sure he expressly said, at points, it was terrifying and also that he was a lunatic? He was simply making the points that:
1) 400 white cops showed up to kill him. How can so many cops show up to ‘Swiss cheese’ him and then say they don’t understand why so many black people are protesting re: George Floyd.
TBH any kind of "funny" (which is always relative) name tends to get an odd reaction - we had someone apply at work with a mix of French and German origin names and a double-barrelled surname which raised some eye brows and unfortunately it tends to immediately go against people for some reason even when it isn't directly racial.
Likewise though you get people like someone I know whose first name is Jamaal but uses Jack as they get far more responses when looking for work.
Frankly I just want to tune out of it all now. I'll only kneel for Zod.
Only 80s cartoon skeletor tbh.Would you kneel for Skelator?
A black ex colleague of mine just posted on FB the other day a video of the "far right" chanting "We're racist, we're racist and that's the way we like it!" along with the comment - If you are not against this you are part of the problem!
I was going to point out that this was actually a doctored video with edited audio but frankly I don't feel it's worth the risk currently, as even if he concedes the point it'll look like I in some way support these idiots. There has been so much misinformation that people lap up without question that I'm just staggered by it all.
All things considered the only way the BLM matters ‘take a knee’ could be linked to monarchy related ‘take a knee’ is through ignorance, because it is so obviously not related it’s painful.
It doesn’t even make sense for it to mean ‘take a knee’ in the monarchy context - were the athletes in question willingly agreeing to submit to their purported oppressors? Of course they were not. It was an act of defiance, not an act of submission!!
I acknowledge the scope for confusion through ignorance, but it’s not even close to being the same.
Ignorance here meaning ‘a lack of knowledge’, rather than anything malicious.
It's turned members of my family into anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists. Bill Gates is trying to chip and track everyone with a vaccine apparently. Don't get me started on 5G.Social media needs switching off, I think we can all agree on that.