White people and their way of life aren't being attacked. So try another argument because that one simply doesn't stick.
They absolutely are. Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it isn't happening.
White people are aggressively and constantly made to feel guilty about their entire existence for things done by white people centuries before.
White people are shamed for having 'privilege' and told that they deserve nothing they have accomplished, even if they have grown up in poverty and squalor.
White people are told they cannot celebrate or be proud of their history and heritage.
White people are told they are bland, boring and have no culture of their own because they have stolen everything.
White people are told they must stop having children because it is selfish, but they must also support opening the borders of majority white nations to the third world whilst no other majority POC country across the world is forced to do the same.
White people are called racist for not having a crippling sense of self-loathing and guilt simply for being white.
And then, after all this, they are told that it is impossible for any race to be racist against them which opens them up to constant abuse and discrimination online, perpetuated by the media and social media companies.
But yes, everything's cool.