So, what's Coventry like?

Coventry is a dump. I spent many years living nearby.

Dog and Trumpet used to be a good bar about a decade ago. I havent been for many years.
The Colosseum although in a dodgy area is pretty good also.
hillfields. Its on primrose hill street. Good(ish) on a thursday if you're completely out of it but crap most other nights (although i'm told monday is good). Got to make the obligatory trip to eastern treats after the colly too (its near the transport museum). The vicinity of it is a little dodgy, a mate of mine from london was up once when we were walking there and he said '******* hell it looks like brixton' and I don't *really* like walking from the bus station to the colly on my own after a few beers (had attempted muggings a few times there) but as long as you're sensible its alright.

Tbh people moan about cov but earlsdon/chapelfields (where most warwick students are) are better than south leam (tachbrook road area etc).
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