I see from Arachnopets you are certainly feeding up that Curly! Pigs aren't they?
Yeah, any old bark will do after a good scrubbing and a spell in the microwave. Cork bark is preferred (the stuff you get in pet shops) because it resists mould very very well.Originally posted by si_sleaf
I should hopefully be getting my new tarantula tomorrow, a Psalmopoeus cambridgei. I have got a nice big sweet jar for the girl as she is about 4"+ at the moment. I need a piece of bark to put in there for her to climb around on. Can you use any bark? I know you can't use pine anywhere near tarantulas as it is toxic to them. My Pokie, Jerry, has a small piece of bark from a tree in the local park which he seems to like, he has webbed it up, webbed some substrate up around the sides and never seems to come off it. Can I just use a piece of the same bark for my P.cambridgei? I scrubbed Jerry's piece thoroughly and then microwaved it for a few minutes so I'm sure it's clean enough. Any reason not to do the same again does anyone know?
Utter pain in the arse, aren't they?Originally posted by si_sleaf
Soory the pics aren't too good, but these vertical "tanks" are not so easy to get good photos from.
Originally posted by SaBBz
Does anyone know anywhere/anyone that sells Mexican Flame Knee Juveniles fairly cheaply?
Cheers guys
I'm afraid that Carabobo evidently failed to shed his stomach and mouth lining, and was totally unable to ingest water or food, no matter whatOriginally posted by The Edge
Hows the mating going??have thery rogered yet?
Is the greenbottle still ok that had the problem moult?
They look so strange when they lift themselves up like that - arboreals don't seem to do it as obviously as terrestrials for some reason.Originally posted by si_sleaf
Just feeding my T's and thought I'd take a picture of Tom, my B.smithi. He is just a crazy eating machine. Today he has eaten 2 crickets and a locust. Here's a picture of him with a cricket hanging out of his mouth, he reminds me of a Zoid (remeber them?):
Originally posted by DHR
Expecting my Mexican Red Knee within the next month I'm waiting until i'm moved and everything is sorted as i want to take time looking after it. It'd be neglected if i was to get it now due to the amount going on
Sanchez is looking lovely.
oooohhhh!!!! check this out Is anyone going