So, you want to keep a pet tarantula?

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Originally posted by ToXik-yogHurt
can we get something to scale against in the next one? a nice ten-pence piece or something?
he looks huge in that movie....
The next one will be done outside in the daylight, and I'll include a coin in the shot for some indication of scale. He's only the size of a chunky house spider. :)
I had Jezzie out tonight taking some pics of her new house, and I thought I'd take a small vid of her stomping. However, she seemed to suddenly get camera shy because as soon as I turned it on, she scurried around. So here you have a little vid of Jezabel scurrying all over my hand;

And here's a pic of her new home. I decided to mix some compost up with the vermiculite for 2 reasons. Firstly because it's more natural and she'll be able to burrow better in it. And secondly, because I kept getting whited out shots when I was taking macro pics of her because the vermiculite is almost metallic, and reflects the flash badly. Anyway, she seems a lot happier now and has already started excavating :)

Brilliant Lostkat :D

By far the best indication of size yet ;)

Also - out of interest - how much do they weigh?
MAD, MAD i say. i used to love spiders and had pet garden spiders when i was a kid, but for some reason i went of them when a spider bit me and my thumb was numb for about to months, constant tingling sensation.

Lopez, yer a nutter, but deserve respect.

Lostkat, you are braver than most men, respect also due.

I'll stick to this little terror.

Her names Jessica Emma Blair, shes a 20 month old scottish Blair, (scotilio blairilio) she is bad tempered, bites, but incredibly cute and you have no idea how much mess she can make. rearanges houses not tanks.
But i love her to bits.
Aint she cute?:D
And damn im proud of her.
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Lopez - here's a question for you (well actually two):

If every spider/tarantula faced each other in a one to one battle, who would emerge victorious? :D

/taking into account it's not just the potency of the venom, but aggression and speed too

Also - are there any venemous spiders in the UK? And if so what are they and where do they live :)

/taking into account I don't mean deadly ;)
Here's a question, I've never had a tarantula before but always wanted one and I wnat one even more after reading this, at my local reptile/tarantula shop they have Mexican Red Legs (I think:confused: ) and I just wondered if this would be a good one to get for a beginner?
Originally posted by Phoolf
Here's a question, I've never had a tarantula before but always wanted one and I wnat one even more after reading this, at my local reptile/tarantula shop they have Mexican Red Legs (I think:confused: ) and I just wondered if this would be a good one to get for a beginner?

Yup, it'll be perfect for a beginner. The latin name for them is Brachypelma emilia (check with the petshop that they are Brachypelma!) and they're the same species as my Jezabel :) All Brachypelma are brilliant beginner pets because they are extremely docile, and also very pretty. Some may kick a few hairs at you, but they are very unlikely to bite you.

Do you know how old/big they are and how much they are selling for? I can give you loads of advise, and there are lots of very helpful caresheets on the web too.

Let me know how you get on!
Originally posted by iam
Lopez - here's a question for you (well actually two):

If every spider/tarantula faced each other in a one to one battle, who would emerge victorious? :D

/taking into account it's not just the potency of the venom, but aggression and speed too

Also - are there any venemous spiders in the UK? And if so what are they and where do they live :)

/taking into account I don't mean deadly ;)

Hehehe well, if we were talking true spiders AND tarantulas, my money would be on the Brazilian Wandering spider - It's fast, agressive, and highly toxic.
Followed by the Goliath Birdeater due to it's sheer size and agression, and then something likea Thai Black with the Sidney Funnel web not far behind.

In a spider v spider fight, aggression and size tend to be more of an asset than venom potency.
Well I went away for a night, and Jezzie built a proper underground lair in her new substrate. She's not on display as much, but I can still see her through the side of the tank, and she seems a lot more content now.

And here she is, inviting a cricket round for a housewarming party

Oh, and I got my new tarantula today. As you can tell, I am still stupidly excited about it. She arrived in a small lightbulb box, so I was a bit worried that she'd be damaged (Jez arrived packed in a shoebox), but after thorough inspection she seems fine. Currently waiting for her to come off the side of the tank so I can take some decent pictures.

Meet Rio

And here she is compared to a 10p. She doesn't look very big next to that, but she's heaps bigger than Jez.

Isn't she CUTE? She's got lovely colouring - all her white knees are showing through. I'm guessing she's two or three moults ahead of jez. More pics to come when she's got off the side of the damn tank! :)
I love this thread!! :D :cool:

Spiders are not normally my thing.. I wouldn't say I'm scared of them, but I'm not that keen on having a large house spider roaming around, and I have to catch them in an empty jam jar to remove them from my house... couldn't just pick it up..

But this thread is fantastic, so interesting.. I've found myself drawn to it... and the pictures are brilliant! More please!! :D
I'm the same.

Before becoming enthralled in this thread, i used to get a bit freaked by big spiders. I wouldn't kill them, but i used to feel a bit jumpy when capturing them in a jug or whatever. I still won't pick them up by hand, but only incase the buggers decide to bite house spiders bite? The ones we get in our old cottage are a fair size. But i'm not afraid of them anymore at all. :p

But i still can't see me getting one of these babies in the near future, my GF seems to be even more petrified of spiders now, than she did before i told her that i wanted to buy one *lol* :rolleyes:

She was screaming at me yesterday, and all because a tiny little spider decending from the ceiling onto her & then cheekily climbed back up his thread out of reach & risk of being squished. I came to the rescue yet again........with my trusty 'spider-catching' jug that is :D

But keep them piccies coming, i'm SO jelious of you LostKat! ;)
Originally posted by Master Skooter
That's just the Scouse variety of the house spider.........they use a kosh. :p The friendly Southern type just do the tickling thing. ;) :D

Ones in Somerset farm they're prey to death...with they're minute combine harvesters.

Brighton get's the gay spiders!
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