Originally posted by At The Gates
They post the spiders?
I think i'm going to go for a giant weevil
Gauranteed live on arrival, Special Delivery.
It's been commonplace in America for years, only now is it getting more polular over hear.
Our winters don't help - most places will check weather forecasts etc beforesending animals out as any more than a few hours in the cold can be enough to finish them off.
As long as they have the 2 Baboons I want in stock I'll be placing the order today. I've been given a huge fish tank which is about to be converted using a simple divider.
Baboons are voracious feeders so I'll probably end up buying extra crickets every few weeks.
Unless you have an allergic reaction, most tarantula bites are not serious. Many of their close allies (Brazilian Wanderingspiders, Funnel Webs etc) do indeed have potentand lethal venom - but you shouldn't find them on sale, at least not unless you have a Dangerous Animal's License.
The problem with spider bites is they leave a large painful mechanical wound (the fangs are large and leave a big hole) which often gets infected.
There are some excellent bite reports
here which I suggest anyone intending to keep tarantulas reads - just in case you do ever get tagged.
On another note, my Chile is far happier now that she has deeper substrate - she's been active all night judging by the cricket debris in her tank, and I even saw her climbing last night, which is somethingshe's not done for years.