So, you want to keep a pet tarantula?

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Originally posted by Repo
I am gonna have to stop reading this thread as it's making me want to get one (have always liked spiders) :cool:

The kids would like it, but I reckon the GF would do her nut :rolleyes: :p
Believe it or not my mother is scared stiff of spiders - always has been since she was young.
But she know's they're in tanks and going nowhere so she doesn't mind them so much.

Unfortunately I'm not getting my new additions until next week :( as the dealer is working early shifts until then.
I need my babies!
i was going to get one until a spider crawled across my floor when i got up this morning, and reminded me how freaked they make me :eek:
Originally posted by Lopéz
Believe it or not my mother is scared stiff of spiders - always has been since she was young.
But she know's they're in tanks and going nowhere so she doesn't mind them so much.

Unfortunately I'm not getting my new additions until next week :( as the dealer is working early shifts until then.
I need my babies!

Well, the tarantula as a pet idea went down like a ton of bricks :rolleyes:

More pics please :D
Originally posted by Repo
Well, the tarantula as a pet idea went down like a ton of bricks :rolleyes:

More pics please :D

Get a mantis if u want a more vicious predator, thats easier to keep, cheaper and less scary for mum/wifey :D

Plenty of info in the mantis thread :)

An example of an African mantis, one of the easiest to keep, and a great first Mantid

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These eggsack thingies... surely you'd have to destroy it anyway otherwise you'll have hundreds of T's on your hands? :confused:
Originally posted by iam
These eggsack thingies... surely you'd have to destroy it anyway otherwise you'll have hundreds of T's on your hands? :confused:
That's generally the idea of breeding them. ;)

Of course if you don't want babies then you're best off getting a pet shop to take the sac from you - I'm sure they won't say no to 300 spiderlings which will be sold for a fiver a pop.....
Originally posted by SaBBz
Should be getting one soon :D

Once I know what species I want how do I go about finding a breeder?

Thanks :)
Hi SaBBz

There are quite a few reputable dealers selling tarantulas. Your best bet is to make a shortlist of say, 5 spiders you really like, post them here, and I can have a scan through my Spider Favourites folder and see who's got what in stock for you.

Also, are you looking for an adult or a spiderling?
Ok here is a list of Ts I am interested in getting, I think I will get 2 so 2 different species from the same dealer would be ideal :)

Avicularia ppecies (Guyana Pinktoe)
Brachypelma auratum (Mexican Flame Leg)
Grammostola rosea (Chile Rose)
Avicularia metallica (Metallic Pinktoe, Whitetoe)
Avicularia braunshauseni (Goliath Pinktoe)

I think these are all ok for beginners from my research on some sites on the net.

Cheers :)

[edit] Also really like the Brachypelma vagans (Mexican red rump) and they are £1.50 each! :)[/edit]
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A Guyana Pinktoe is an Avicularia avicularia - very pretty T. They have about 4 of these at my local petshop and they're so cute! They're arboreal so it will build a nice little tube web to hide in. Very docile species and good for beginners. The only problem I can see is it not really being a display species. You won't see it poseing around it's tank much, but if you're getting a couple of species, then it shouldn't be a prob because the other might be on display.

Mexican flame leg - ALL brachypelma species are stunning little tarantulas, and perfect for beginners. They might flick a hair or two at you but are generally regarded to be docile. They're also quite hardy T's. Care is similar to B. smithi. Another good choice.

Chille Rose - One of the most docile T's there is. Always on display and wouldn't attack a fly. Very cheap as spiderlings, and hardy as hell :)

Three very good choices.

Not seen either of these for sale in the UK though;
Avicularia Metallica (Metallic Pinktoe, Whitetoe)
Avicularia braunshauseni (Goliath Pinktoe)

[edit] Those brachypelma vagans are a bargain! I'd have one if I had enough room on my heatmat. Absolutely perfect for beginners. The curly hairs are cheap too, and eat like pigs :) [/edit]
If I were you, I'd probably get the flame leg and/or Chille rose and leave the Avicularia for a while until you are used to those. Avics are a little more difficult to look after than the others, and aren't as hardy. At least if you get the other two first, and then the avic later on, you will know what to expect and won't be stressing about getting everything right. I panicked to death when I got Jez. Was her humidity ok? Was her temp right? Why wasn't she eating? etc. Once you've been through this with one tarantula, you don't stress about it with your next ones. I'd advise that you just get the other one/two and get used to them for a couple of months, and then get the avic later on when you feel more confident.
Avicularia ppecies (Guyana Pinktoe)
Most likely just Avicularia avicularia, the first tarantula ever scientifically described. Hardy, docile tree-dwellers, very gentle and a little nervous. Extremely pretty spider but you won't see it much - they generally only come out to drink and feed.

Brachypelma auratum (Mexican Flame Leg)
As with all Brachypelma, generally shy, docile and slow moving. Very hardy, long-lived, easy to look after. Some have a tendancy to flick hairs, but to be honest that isn't the end of the world.

Grammostola rosea (Chile Rose)
Another extremely hardy and long lived spider, normally super docile too. The only thing that I will say about them is they have the strangest feeding habits, often going for long periods without food (my own adult female has not eaten since august)

Avicularia metallica (Metallic Pinktoe, Whitetoe)
What a beauty. Rarely available in this country, and IMO not honestly worth the money as a normal Avicularia avicularia is very similar and cheaper/easy to look after.

Avicularia braunshauseni (Goliath Pinktoe)
Big beast of a spider, same general habits as all other Avicularia. Never seen them in the UK myself, and I think they're a bit bland in all honesty.

Also really like the Brachypelma vagans (Mexican red rump) and they are £1.50 each! :)
Bargain price for another very pretty, hardy and docile ground dweller. These like to burrow so give them plenty of substrate to dig in.
Originally posted by Lopéz
Brachypelma auratum (Mexican Flame Leg)
As with all Brachypelma, generally shy, docile and slow moving. Very hardy, long-lived, easy to look after. Some have a tendancy to flick hairs, but to be honest that isn't the end of the world.

Grammostola rosea (Chile Rose)
Another extremely hardy and long lived spider, normally super docile too. The only thing that I will say about them is they have the strangest feeding habits, often going for long periods without food (my own adult female has not eaten since august)

Also really like the Brachypelma vagans (Mexican red rump) and they are £1.50 each! :)
Bargain price for another very pretty, hardy and docile ground dweller. These like to burrow so give them plenty of substrate to dig in.

Gonna go for the Chile Rose and one of the other 2, do you know of anywhere I can get both please mate?
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