So, you want to keep a pet tarantula?

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Originally posted by SaBBz
Gonna go for the Chile Rose and one of the other 2, do you know of anywhere I can get both please mate?

SaBBz, according to his website this guy might have some.

Also found out that the C.Fasciatum is also called the Costa Rican Tigerrump and that they are fairly docile too :p
This species is claimed to be calm and almost "sweet" as spiderlings. Our observations are that they aren't easily upset. We'll let you know more as they mature a bit and begin to develop behavioral traits. As very small spiderlings they don't do much other than sit under the moss and wait for a hapless fruit fly or cricket to show up.

I would like to know if they can be handled; so will be doing some more surfing about them tomorrow :p
The Edge
Chilean Rose have been known to go without food for over 24 months. Water, however, is utterly essential.

As suggested, David Blades is a good trader and experienced breeder. Only problem with Chile rose at the moment is most seem to be wild caught adults - nobody seems to be breeding the little blighters. :(

C fasciatum is a very pretty spider indeed. Most seem to be calm and shy. This is a pretty small tarantula mind you, a lot of them won't get over 3 inches in legspan.
David Blades has Chile Rose slings for £5 :)

I think I would like the flame leg as opposed to the red rump, any idea where I can get a flame leg sling?

Thanks a lot for all the help :)
Originally posted by SaBBz
David Blades has Chile Rose slings for £5 :)

I think I would like the flame leg as opposed to the red rump, any idea where I can get a flame leg sling?

Thanks a lot for all the help :)

I've found B auratum (Flame Knee/Leg) at this site:

They have adults, spiderlings, and juveniles - I'd personally go for the juveniles at £25 and ask for it to be sexed (you want a female)

The store listed above is a little pricey - generally 10 - 20 % overpriced IMO compared to other online stores.
It is, however, the only place I can find that currently has B auratum in stock - and remember, a fully grown adult auratum can command prices up to £100.
Originally posted by Lopéz
Oh come on......tell me this isn't gorgeous?


Incidentally that's a Cobalt Blue, rather agressive and certainly not suitable for a beginner. That's what I'm getting next, followed by a Pink-toed Bird Eating Spider. :)

surely that cannot be a life size picture, that could fetch the telly remote and your slippers at the same time.

I'm getting one :)
Originally posted by Lopéz
I've found B auratum (Flame Knee/Leg) at this site:

They have adults, spiderlings, and juveniles - I'd personally go for the juveniles at £25 and ask for it to be sexed (you want a female)

The store listed above is a little pricey - generally 10 - 20 % overpriced IMO compared to other online stores.
It is, however, the only place I can find that currently has B auratum in stock - and remember, a fully grown adult auratum can command prices up to £100.

So you would recommend a juvenile female Flame knee and a spiderling chile rose?
Originally posted by SaBBz
So you would recommend a juvenile female Flame knee and a spiderling chile rose?
I think that both are ideal starter spiders, yes. :)

The B auratum will probably be a touch more jumpy than the Chile rose. Always gauge your pets' mood before you try to hold it. Don't want a finger being mistaken for a snack ;)

You don't see B auratum for sale very often, I assume they don't get bred much (hence the price is slightly higher than B smithi/ B boehmei/ B emilia)

Originally posted by The_morrell
I'm getting one :)

Temperment: Exceptionally aggressive and secretive

This is what Phong had to say about his (She's actually the 1 in the piccy above):

The big girl is the psychotic monster that is so well know to those who dare keep her! She's quite unpredictable and may appear calm, but suddenly lash out at the slightest provocation. Chasing this girl around the room is a most disconcerting experience. She mostly hides in her burrow, but will occasionally venture out for a week-long vacation. Of all the spiders in my collection, this is the one I would least like to wake up next to...'

I hope you've got some Tarantula owning experience then mate! ;)

Beautiful creatures tho, those Cobalt Blues.
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Thought it was about time I posted some more Jezzie pics. She's starting to pork up a bit now after her last moult, and I decided to pick her up and see how much she's grown.. I was shocked! She's gone from 3.5cm end to end to 5cm :eek:

Here's some piccies;


RAAAAH I'm a scary big tarantula etc.

And here's a pic of her FAT ASS :)
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Not too bad a proggy; those jumping spiders were pretty cool. Would have liked a few more T's on tho :p
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