Originally posted by SaBBz
Gonna go for the Chile Rose and one of the other 2, do you know of anywhere I can get both please mate?
SaBBz, according to his website http://homepage.ntlworld.com/david.blades1/culture.htm this guy might have some.
Also found out that the C.Fasciatum is also called the Costa Rican Tigerrump and that they are fairly docile too
This species is claimed to be calm and almost "sweet" as spiderlings. Our observations are that they aren't easily upset. We'll let you know more as they mature a bit and begin to develop behavioral traits. As very small spiderlings they don't do much other than sit under the moss and wait for a hapless fruit fly or cricket to show up.
I would like to know if they can be handled; so will be doing some more surfing about them tomorrow