Originally posted by si_sleaf
Do you mean my G.rosea? Hmm, yes I suppose I could feed her a little less but she is so interesting to watch. If I put a cricket in there, she eats it within the hour. So I put another one in a couple of days later and she eats it. I give her another. It's a vicious circle of greedy eating. I read that Ts can't overeat so I just keep her goin. Perhaps I should cut down, what do you guys think? The crickets I give her are quite small so I don't know. Her butt is nowhere near the ground, and she is very active. Perhaps she's just big boned
They all look very healthy and well-fed mate.Originally posted by si_sleaf
Do you mean my G.rosea? Hmm, yes I suppose I could feed her a little less but she is so interesting to watch. If I put a cricket in there, she eats it within the hour. So I put another one in a couple of days later and she eats it. I give her another. It's a vicious circle of greedy eating. I read that Ts can't overeat so I just keep her goin. Perhaps I should cut down, what do you guys think? The crickets I give her are quite small so I don't know. Her butt is nowhere near the ground, and she is very active. Perhaps she's just big boned
Originally posted by Repo
I'm going away on Sunday for a week & won't have anyone to look after them. Apart from leaving them in a warm place with some lager.. erm I mean water... is there anything else I should do?
Originally posted by si_sleaf
Well you can't let them starve! How about ordering a nice curry for them to go with the beers....
Well I didwarn you didn't I?Originally posted by Lostkat
Si, if you think your new B. smithi is a bit of a loose cannon, take a look at what I've landed myself with. What did I do to annoy Zuila, my new P. irminia so much? Why, I lifted her lid about 2mm of course! That was enough to get her rearing on her back legs showing those gorgeous iridescent footpads off. She even had her fangs wide apart (before these pics - I let her calm down a little first), which is something I've never seen one of my own T's doing.
Noo I was talking about the pokie. Not sure what sex Zuila (P. irminia) is yet because I can't get her onto the side of the tank. My guess is that it'll be a male though It was only 2 quid, so it makes sense for it to be a male. Damn!Originally posted by DirtyMinx
Keeping that little cretin for 10-12 years is a good thing?
Just don't get bitten
Love the feet on her.