So, you want to keep a pet tarantula?

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Nice regalis! And that B smithi looks very chunky and healthy - the show was overrun with smithi's and that looks like a good one.
Yeah, there did seem to be quite a lot of B.smithis and that is what made it hard to pick one. Every table seemed to have about 10+ so I just asked the guy to pick me the biggest and most lively one he had:cool:

Just wondering about my P.rgalis, do all arboreal spiders sit with their legs out or is it just Pokeys?
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Poecilotheria do it more than others - as if they are stretching out.
My P irminia does it sometimes, but generally it's a Pokie thing :)
Do you mean my G.rosea? Hmm, yes I suppose I could feed her a little less but she is so interesting to watch. If I put a cricket in there, she eats it within the hour. So I put another one in a couple of days later and she eats it. I give her another. It's a vicious circle of greedy eating. I read that Ts can't overeat so I just keep her goin. Perhaps I should cut down, what do you guys think? The crickets I give her are quite small so I don't know. Her butt is nowhere near the ground, and she is very active. Perhaps she's just big boned:rolleyes:
Originally posted by si_sleaf
Do you mean my G.rosea? Hmm, yes I suppose I could feed her a little less but she is so interesting to watch. If I put a cricket in there, she eats it within the hour. So I put another one in a couple of days later and she eats it. I give her another. It's a vicious circle of greedy eating. I read that Ts can't overeat so I just keep her goin. Perhaps I should cut down, what do you guys think? The crickets I give her are quite small so I don't know. Her butt is nowhere near the ground, and she is very active. Perhaps she's just big boned:rolleyes:

Oh please dont take what I said to heart! I was only kidding. She does look lovely and chunky, they look better like that than when they are all skinny.

She's very pretty.:)
*watchs the G.rosea get on the scales and cry*

look what you've done now you nasty person you :p

Wish i'd gone the show now (exams) :( Probably not going to have as much choice on the breed i get now. Having said that it might be a good idea because i have to wait slightly longer for one :(

I've been meaning to bring this up at some point. I'm intending on getting a young'en so i can see the moults but i'm after a female. I have two fishtanks available to me at the moment. The larger glass one won't be used until its full size its probably just over a foot wide (i'll have to take a picture when i get it out the loft), and the other one i have is a little like the ones they commonly sell, the cheaper plastic black ones for keeping a single gold fish, not too wide but tall. Depending on how easy it is to get into (i've can't remember how!) i'm thinking of using that on its side while its young. What do you think? As i've mentioned it is only an idea at this point as i don't know how easy it is to gain access to etc
Originally posted by si_sleaf
Do you mean my G.rosea? Hmm, yes I suppose I could feed her a little less but she is so interesting to watch. If I put a cricket in there, she eats it within the hour. So I put another one in a couple of days later and she eats it. I give her another. It's a vicious circle of greedy eating. I read that Ts can't overeat so I just keep her goin. Perhaps I should cut down, what do you guys think? The crickets I give her are quite small so I don't know. Her butt is nowhere near the ground, and she is very active. Perhaps she's just big boned:rolleyes:
They all look very healthy and well-fed mate.
Don't change a thing :)
She is a very active spider from what I can tell. She's always digging around, even during the day she's up to something. If you look at the back of the pic just below the wood you can see the how she had started digging out back there. Now she has dug all of that out and has mad a trench with a big mound at the top of it. She has a few inches of substrate but I'm starting to think she needs more because she is such a champion excavator. As a terrestrial I don't think I have seen her on the sides of the tank more than once so I'm off to the garden centre today to buy a big bag of peat.

Anybody know what the best kind of peat is? What do you guys use for a substrate?

I think I'll have a look for a nice big stick for my pokie to hang out on too. He's always on the sides of the tank so I think he might make a nice little treehouse to hang out in:)
I went to B & Q for mine. Got a bag of Vermiculite and a bag of peat. They have tons of different bags of peat, just make sure you choose the one that has nothing added, look at the ingredients on the back. Its one of the potting soil varietys.
I'm going away on Sunday for a week & won't have anyone to look after them. Apart from leaving them in a warm place with some lager.. erm I mean water... is there anything else I should do?

The B.Vagans currently has a killed but not yet eaten mealworm in it's burrow & the Tigerrump has a mealworm digging around in it's peat somewhere.

BTW; have you seem the two threads on Brums about the T's which were bought from the show & have foamy white mouths?

BTW2: Kate can you email me your address please so I can pay you :)
Originally posted by Repo
I'm going away on Sunday for a week & won't have anyone to look after them. Apart from leaving them in a warm place with some lager.. erm I mean water... is there anything else I should do?

Well you can't let them starve! How about ordering a nice curry for them to go with the beers....;)
Originally posted by si_sleaf
Well you can't let them starve! How about ordering a nice curry for them to go with the beers....;)

2 mealworm madras and wedge of chappatti's please :p
Just leave them with plenty of water.
They can go for weeks or even months without food, so there's no need to worry about that :) Give them all a good feed before you go, but take out any uneaten cricks that are still alive - you don't want the cricket getting at the T if it moults while you are away.
Si, if you think your new B. smithi is a bit of a loose cannon, take a look at what I've landed myself with. What did I do to annoy Zuila, my new P. irminia so much? Why, I lifted her lid about 2mm of course! :eek: That was enough to get her rearing on her back legs showing those gorgeous iridescent footpads off. She even had her fangs wide apart (before these pics - I let her calm down a little first), which is something I've never seen one of my own T's doing.


It took me about half an hour to work up the guts to lift the whole of the lid off and take this pic. I had the camera in one hand and a petpal lid in the other ready to slam down if she so much as moved a muscle! Fortunately for me she stood her ground.. she's a fighter not a runner. Not sure if that should worry me more actually.... ERK!


This is one T who's NEVER coming out of her tank! I'd rather hold Tamil (pokie) AND Sanchez together than this psychotic ball of fury! I seriously did not do anything to provoke her.... it seems as though lifting the lid is enough.

And talking of pokies, Tamil is very busy tonight heaping together piles of dirt into balls, piling them up at the side of her log and webbing them all together to make a mud barrier between the two halves of her tank. Strange creature! She's also been sexed as a SHE, which pleases me immensely because it means she'll be with me for a fair few years (10-12) yet :)
Originally posted by Lostkat
Si, if you think your new B. smithi is a bit of a loose cannon, take a look at what I've landed myself with. What did I do to annoy Zuila, my new P. irminia so much? Why, I lifted her lid about 2mm of course! That was enough to get her rearing on her back legs showing those gorgeous iridescent footpads off. She even had her fangs wide apart (before these pics - I let her calm down a little first), which is something I've never seen one of my own T's doing.
Well I didwarn you didn't I? :p
They call them the "Pokies of the New World" for a reason!

Although Guarico my Psalmopeous irminia is fast rather than defensive, Winston my Psalmopeous cambridgei is quick to rear up and show me a threat posture.

At least I can say "Chiiillll Wiiinstooon" when he does this :D

As I only managed to get a blurry shot of him last week, here's a better one:

And here's a much better shot of my Cyriopagapus thorelli, who I've named Chong.

He's the little blue thing with orange spines that I bought - and has quite the appetite! I'm hoping he will moult soon as I think he has a mite problem around his chelicerae.

My new Greenbottle Blue, Carabobo, is looking very sulky and isn't eating - so fingers crossed for a moult there too! Fantastic colouring on these spiderlings:
Originally posted by DirtyMinx
Keeping that little cretin for 10-12 years is a good thing?

Just don't get bitten

Love the feet on her.
Noo I was talking about the pokie. Not sure what sex Zuila (P. irminia) is yet because I can't get her onto the side of the tank. My guess is that it'll be a male though :( It was only 2 quid, so it makes sense for it to be a male. Damn!

As for having Tamil (pokie) for 10-12 years..... here are a couple of reasons why;


Managed to get a shot of her stunning underside the other night :) She also has iridescent footpads, but they didn't show up well in the pic.

Oh and I've uploaded a couple of movies to demonstrate hair kicking and threat postures/bites. Hope they work.
Rio gets bitey -
José kicks 1 or 2 hairs -
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