So, you want to keep a pet tarantula?

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Unfortunately we missed the lecture :( We did wander round looking for it, but couldn't find the lecture theatre.

The slings will be posted out tomorrow morning.

I've decided to keep one of these baby Emperor Scorpions for myself.
They're really cool, like something from another planet. They are great hunters, they corner the cricket, grab it with their large pincers, and eat it head first.

Here's my new one killing a cricket in the face.

What a way to go :p
I've spent 2hrs 30mins reading this thread so far and am really enjoying it.

Not read such an interesting thread about spideys ever, and for the first time ever it looks like i'm going to read through all 38 odd pages (on 17 atm). Some of the species are so cute I must admit. Still scared out of my wits though. Many times the phrase 'kicking hairs' has been mentioned, what does that precisely mean? Also, what is a Baboon? :D
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Originally posted by Kainz
I've spent 2hrs 30mins reading this thread so far and am really enjoying it.

Not read such an interesting thread about spideys ever, and for the first time ever it looks like i'm going to read through all 38 odd pages (on 17 atm). Some of the species are so cute I must admit. Still scared out of my wits though. Many times the phrase 'kicking hairs' has been mentioned, what does that precisely mean? Also, what is a Baboon? :D
Glad you're enjoying the thread so far.

Kicking Hairs:
All New World (Northern, Central & Southern American) tarantulas have a fine coating of urticating (itching) hairs - these are generally situated on the spiders abdomen (its bum)
When disturbed or annoyed, the spider will rapidly rub its legs against the abdomen, dislodging a cloud of these itchy hairs.
This wards off would-be attackers. Some species have itchier hairs than others - if you get them in your eyes it will hurt like hell and possibly cause temporary sight problems.

Baboon spider is a generic term used to refer to the aggressive, short-haired tarantulas of Africa. There are several possible reasons for the name. Some people say it's because Baboons treat the spiders as a delicacy, others will tell you the spiders legs resemble the thick fingers of a Baboon. :)
Hair Kicking, here is a link to a video of an adult B.Bohemei kicking hairs; its the same as the new T that I just got. I haven't seen her kick hairs yet, but then I have just left her to settle in at the momment, she spends most of her time down in her burrow or occasionally comes up to the top of it.
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Just looking at that site now, was wondering if you've ever had any problems or near problems with mites and secondly, if you can see them, what do they actually look like?

I'm still seriously thinking about getting one. I've read (i think it was in this thread) you can clean them out with the forceps, how do you manage to do the entirety of the tank like this? Lostkat mentioned you don't actually have to handle them, i'm not particually nervey about spiders anymore, i just wouldn't fancy actually picking one up (and in getting a grip on it and taking it out the tank!!), i'd be fine handling, just not the initial picking up!

How would u describe the best way of cleaning them out?
Originally posted by DHR
Just looking at that site now, was wondering if you've ever had any problems or near problems with mites and secondly, if you can see them, what do they actually look like?
Yes, I've had mites in Maz and Miguels tanks.
They look like small (1mm) cream/white coloured dots until you get up really close, then you might see the legs.
Even with sterelising the substrate, you can still get mites. They hitch a ride in on crickets, or sometimes they just seem to appear. Any warm and humid environment will allow them to thrive.
They only become a problem if you can actually see them all over the spider - many spider tanks have a few mites and it doesn't cause any bother - but when you have loads of them they need to be removed.
Just coax the spider into a temporary container, throw away the old substrate, clean out the tank properly and give the tarantula fresh peat. Some people just let the tank dry right out, which kills the mites, but you run the risk of a dehydrated spider.

I'm still seriously thinking about getting one. I've read (i think it was in this thread) you can clean them out with the forceps, how do you manage to do the entirety of the tank like this? Lostkat mentioned you don't actually have to handle them, i'm not particually nervey about spiders anymore, i just wouldn't fancy actually picking one up (and in getting a grip on it and taking it out the tank!!), i'd be fine handling, just not the initial picking up!

How would u describe the best way of cleaning them out?
To pick them up, you don't need to grip them at all - just put your hand out in front of the spider, and nudge it onto your palm.

If you want to avoid any contact, just use any old container (glass, jar, empty cricket tub) and place it over the spider before sliding a card under it - much like you'd remove a house spider with a pint glass and beer mat. :D
When you've finished changine the tank, simply put the glass back in and allow the tarantula to wander out in its own time.
Just made it to the end of this entire thread lol, what a read! I think i'm less scared of them now, too early to say :)

Lopez, how long have you been keeping spideys anyway, and how many ya got? :D
You are all sick and twisted, i'll say that much! i mean.. spiders, why? They're absolutly digusting. You could keep a dog, or a cat, or even a hamster, nice cudely things that u can actually get attached to, or feal some affection for, but a spider? a big hairy spider, no, sorry, just doesnt work.

Interesting thread, but after reading through god knows how many posts and looking through all the pictures, I can honestly say that if i saw one of them crawling around my house, i'd either crush it, or sell it to someone with a Spider Fetish like Lopez :P

Anyho, have fun, and dont come crying to me when you're mutating into a spider and your spider senses are tingling....
Originally posted by little.stint
You are all sick and twisted, i'll say that much! i mean.. spiders, why? They're absolutly digusting. You could keep a dog, or a cat, or even a hamster, nice cudely things that u can actually get attached to, or feal some affection for, but a spider? a big hairy spider, no, sorry, just doesnt work.

Interesting thread, but after reading through god knows how many posts and looking through all the pictures, I can honestly say that if i saw one of them crawling around my house, i'd either crush it, or sell it to someone with a Spider Fetish like Lopez :P

Anyho, have fun, and dont come crying to me when you're mutating into a spider and your spider senses are tingling....

Nice to see a well informed opinion there.:p Its each to their own and if Spiders are what you fancy then why not. In some ways they don't differ much from a hamster/small animal anyway as you don't recieve any affection back from them. I have 2 hamsters and I still want a T:D
You are all sick and twisted, i'll say that much! i mean.. spiders, why? They're absolutly digusting. You could keep a dog, or a cat, or even a hamster, nice cudely things that u can actually get attached to, or feal some affection for, but a spider? a big hairy spider, no, sorry, just doesnt work.

I live in a student house, there is no way I could keep a dog or cat and they are far too expensive. One of my housemates has a hamster, its boring as hell, fat and it stinks. Tarantulas don't smell, don't take up much space, aren't your average house spider, have beautiful colouring and are interesting to watch their behaviours.
Thanks for the advice lopez :) Will be looking into getting the gear together, then i'll be purchasing one in a month or two :)
Weird Red Knee

I thought my B.smithi (Tom) would be a calm and docile spider. He ain't. When I was at the show on Sunday I chose the most lively looking one I could find cuz I thought that might be an indicator of good health. He's a psycho. All he seems to do is run around and around whenever I look in on him and when I mist his tank (taking care not to mist him) or pop a cricket in he puts his legs up in a threat posture and he even had a bit of a hiss at me today. :eek: Hmm.

While we're on it, for a terrestrial spider he spends a lot of his time up on the side of his tank like my Pokey does. Does this mean he's not happy with his tank? It's a fairly good size (about 12"x10"x8") and he has plenty of substrate to dig in. He also has a half of a coconut shell in there to hide under.

What's wrong with this psycho? Any advice greatly appreciated...... :confused:
Psycho tarantula? Well, just count yerself lucky you didn't get a boring pet rock one. :p
Not all tarantulas read books about themselves it seems - Kate's "docile" B vagans is a hissing ball of hellfire - sometimes that's just the way they are.

As for sitting on the side, most tarantulas will do this for a few days in new surroundings.
Kate's B emilia often sits with 4 feet on the side, 4 on the floor.
If the spider really doesn't seem to like sitting on the floor the answer is simple - the substrate is too wet.
Remember B smithi is a predominantly desert species and doesn't need it too wet.

The importance of humidity is normally overstressed - spiderlings apart, MOST tarantulas will survive happily with a large open water dish and nothing more. :)
Remember, unless you are misting a web or webbed patch of substrate, the water evaporates very quickly. I only mist my tropical species once a week directly on the web. Any more and it gets too swampy for them

Si, how big is the Smithi? I try to keep my T's in the smallest tanks possible these days.

  • It takes up less room
  • Tarantulas need very little room to live happily
  • Large tanks stress small tarantulas out
  • Tarantulas are clumsy and struggle to find food in large or over-decorated tanks

Just a few points to remember. :)
My B.smithi is a good size I think. He's about 4 inches maybe, back legs to front. Is this a good sized tank? The guy I got him from said he would be ok in it. I was very pleased with him for a tenner, the local pet shop has one smaller on sale for £71! I got him at the end of the afternoon from the show so I think people were selling a bit cheaper for the more common Ts.

I would post some pics but my computer at home is in pieces and the motherboard has gone back to the shop. Until he decides to replace it for me I cannot upload anything:(
I have to check the boards either on the work computers or from my mobile phone. Not the broadband connection that I'm used to but it'll have to I suppose.

So, back the the original reason for this post: do you think he'll be ok in a fwew days when he settles down.
Originally posted by si_sleaf
So, back the the original reason for this post: do you think he'll be ok in a fwew days when he settles down.
Yep, let the substrate dry out a bit though - just give him a nice big water dish and keep it well topped up. :)
Originally posted by Phoolf
Lopez (or anyone really) - If I were to get a baby T, how big a jar would I need, would it need a heat pad/light etc?
If you are getting a ground dweller (which I recommend) then you want a nice shallow container.

Here's my Greenbottle Blue tank:

(Excuse the dirty hand, just been working on the car!)

As you can see, it isn't very big at all - and the spider will happily live in this for 6 months or so before it needs anything bigger - after that, the next stage is to use an empty cricket tub with some ventilation holes - free! That should be fine for another 6 months-year before you need a big tank. :)

Avoid lamps, they dry the spider out. You will need a heat mat, placed behind the tank, switched on at all times.
They cost from £8 for small ones up to £30 or so for really big ones.
Buy a medium size (£15-£18) one so the spider won't "outgrow" it.
You can get them from any reptile/pet shop these days :)
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