Originally posted by DHR
Just looking at that site now, was wondering if you've ever had any problems or near problems with mites and secondly, if you can see them, what do they actually look like?
Yes, I've had mites in Maz and Miguels tanks.
They look like small (1mm) cream/white coloured dots until you get up really close, then you might see the legs.
Even with sterelising the substrate, you can still get mites. They hitch a ride in on crickets, or sometimes they just seem to appear. Any warm and humid environment will allow them to thrive.
They only become a problem if you can actually see them all over the spider - many spider tanks have a few mites and it doesn't cause any bother - but when you have loads of them they need to be removed.
Just coax the spider into a temporary container, throw away the old substrate, clean out the tank properly and give the tarantula fresh peat. Some people just let the tank dry right out, which kills the mites, but you run the risk of a dehydrated spider.
I'm still seriously thinking about getting one. I've read (i think it was in this thread) you can clean them out with the forceps, how do you manage to do the entirety of the tank like this? Lostkat mentioned you don't actually have to handle them, i'm not particually nervey about spiders anymore, i just wouldn't fancy actually picking one up (and in getting a grip on it and taking it out the tank!!), i'd be fine handling, just not the initial picking up!
How would u describe the best way of cleaning them out?
To pick them up, you don't need to grip them at all - just put your hand out in front of the spider, and nudge it onto your palm.
If you want to avoid any contact, just use any old container (glass, jar, empty cricket tub) and place it over the spider before sliding a card under it - much like you'd remove a house spider with a pint glass and beer mat.
When you've finished changine the tank, simply put the glass back in and allow the tarantula to wander out in its own time.