So, you want to keep a pet tarantula?

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My mealworms don't smell?

Why don't you buy silent crickets? Mine make no noise what-so-ever.

I buy all my live food from Global live Food. It's part of Easy Exotics. £2.50 a box & free delivery within the UK.

Leon, how's my little favourite Mugabe getting on? Don't seem to hear about the rest of your collection. How many DO you actually own now?!!!

I still really want a T. We're in the process of buying another house, which has lots of potential T keeping hidey-holes ;)
From the top:

Pepper Chile rose Grammostola rosea

Pepper is back on the food after her 8 month famine. She's never looked better, and is ready and willing to mate. Shame Roger has other ideas.

Roger Chile rose Grammostola rosea

Roger is one of the best looking tarantulas I've ever seen. He is healthy, feeding well, and acting like a normal Chile rose does.
Shame he appears to be gay.

Mugabe Usambara Baboon Pterinochilus murinus RCF "Usambara"

Mugabe is healthy, and eating well. I havenot seen him out of his burrow in nearly a month. All I can see is the glint of his eyes if I shine a torch on him. I'll try to persuade him out for a pic or two.

Idi Mombasa Golden Starburst Pterinochilus murinus

Idi has made a fantastic recovery from his crushed legs. One has healed into a neat scab, the other I removed in a bit of nailbiting surgery. Since then he's been moved into a much smaller tank, where he seems to be thriving. He has begun to web more heavily than before, and eats very well indeed. His next moult might be difficult - that scab may cause problems, and if it does the poor sod faces losing yet another limb.

Miguel Curly-hair Brachypelma albopilosum

Miguel is much happier in his big tank - he's dug a deep burrow beneath his cork bark and webbed himself in. I checked his abdomen the other day to see his bald spot is now totally black, so a moult should occur within the next week.

Maz Indian Violet Chilobrachys fimbriatus

Maz has developed a good appetite and a calm temperament. His colours are absolutely stunning in the right light - I'll post a couple later on. Looks to be a female, and these mature at a small size (4" or so) therefore I will be seeking a male ina few months.

Punta Tiger Rump Cyclosternum/Davus fasciatum

I found out from the dealer that Punta is 18 months old. Since his moult he has settled nicely and feeds very well, despite at first appearing scared of crickets. He is handleable but nervous. One of my best looking spiders.

Carabobo Greenbottle Blue Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens

Following his bad moult in which he lost the use of his fangs, Carabobo looks like a spider who's been beaten up and dragged through a hedge backwards. Such a shame, becuase his colouring is so bold and vibrant.
He is very thin, uncoordinated and totally unable to feed. I believe he can drink - but he is a touch and go case until his next moult (if he makes it that far)

Pele Guyanan Pink Toe Avicularia avicularia

Pele moulted today, and his legs have begun to turn a pale minty green over the course of the day. This is his second moult in under a month. Pele eats very well (like most of my T's) and has built a strong hammock web.

Guarico Venezuelan Suntiger Psalmopeous irminia

Just like Kate's one, he's developed an evil temper, striking repeatedly at any potential threat. His small tank has become a mass of tangled web tunnels encased in dirt that he moves through at immense speed. He is a voracious feeder.

Winston Trinidad Chevron Psalmopeous cabridgei

Winston looks like a washed-out version of Guarico. He lives in a similar web, but stays close to the floor at all times unlike Guarico. He is currently off his food so I expect he will moult fairly soon.

Bangkok Cobalt Blue Haplopelma lividum

Another small T with a temper, Bangkok will sink his fangs into everything and anything that comes too close. At the moment he is a patterned grey spider - the blue will not show for a few months yet. He is an eating machine that I rarely see due to him living in a very deep burrow.

Chong Malaysian Earth Tiger Cyriopagopus schiodtei/thorelli

Chong has still got a minor mite problem around his chelicerae, which I hope will vanish soon. He has calmed down a lot lately and is nowhere near as psychotic or hungry as when I first got him, so fingers crossed for a moult in the next couple of weeks.

And my mealworms don't smell :confused:
Master Skooter I'm fast catching up with him with 10... erk!!

Anyway, me and Leon always seem to have moults on the same day, and sure enough after waving my fist at Jezabel and threatening to stamp on her if she didn't moult (she's not eaten for 2 weeks), she flipped over this morning.


She was way faster than Sanchez and everything went well. Her legs have thickened significantly and she's a lot bigger than last time. It's hard to get a measure of how much she's grown because she's still all hunched up. Looking at her, she doesn't look quite as big as Sanchez is, but once she's eaten and fattened up, she might be his size. I'm not sure yet

Here's her about 20 seconds after flipping over

And a couple of hours later. She's darkening already

Here are all her past moults to give an idea of how fast she's growing. Considering she's supposed to be a slow grower, I think she's done quite well. Nice one Jez :)

p.s. my mealworms smell of weetabix, cos that's what I feed them
Skooter, just for you I decided to take some fresh shots of Mugabe. I decided to kill two birds with one stone and move him to a smaller tank (like Idi's) at the same time.

Getting spiders from a small tank to big tank is EASY.
Getting spiders from a big tank to a small one is HARD (especially if they are as fractious as Mugabe)

After not a lot of co-operation he was in his new home and webbing like mad - didn't enjoy being disturbed though, as the pictures clearly show.
Originally posted by Lostkat
Master Skooter I'm fast catching up with him with 10... erk!!

You two are Arachnid Addicts!!! :D

How many T's did you buy between you at the BTS show?

Kate, Jez look's gorgeous!

Ahhhhh, there's my boy Mugabe, looking a beautful as ever. :cool:

Man, i want one soooooooooo bad! :)
Aww your baby is growing up fast Kate She's beautifully coloured now.

Mugabe has always been one of my favourites too due to his amazing colour. Nice too see his temperament hasn't changed:D Keep the pics coming please!
Originally posted by Master Skooter
How many T's did you buy between you at the BTS show?

I bought 6 (2 by proxy for hsp70 and Repo)
Leon bought 5 and 5 scorpions (4 by proxy for a mate)

So we came home with 11 tarantulas and 5 scorpians all in a box at my feet, hehe.

Well I was desperate to see how big Jez was after her moult, so I poked her onto my hand and took a few snaps :)

She's grown..... a lot! :eek:



And here's her royal lankiness compared to her teeny skin from February;

Originally posted by Malt_Vinegar
I wanna see the scorps!!!

piccies pls!

My local pet shop had 4 of them, but I kept a baby Emperor Scorp myself :)
I'll post pics of him (his name is Nigel) tomorrow :)

Well, having had a T when i was a kid (wasnt really mine, was my brothers) and seen him grow then die, and had lots of fun and good times watching him and occasinally holding him, i decided to make preparations to get a Chile Rose, sorted out the tank and everything, sourced a T off of a friend of the family (Juvenile female) who has been keeping them for quite a while, got everything to the point where i was ready to buy, then thought i better speak to the girlie and find out if she liked spiders......

She basically said that if i bought a T she would not be coming to see me again. Period. Basically the spider or her........

Its a tough call, but i'm really gonna miss her...... :D

I basically said to he that when she came down, the T would live downstairs, she still wouldnt have it, i tried all the bargaining chips i could, none worked.... so basically i wont be getting a T for some years until i finally get my own place and move in.

Women, cant live with em, cant kill em...... no offense meant to any females on the forums..... :) i can kind of understand her fears though, she is quite scared of spiders...... i dont see the problem really, i've tried to educate her, tried to tell her, that i may get a mental hardcore raging ball of hades fire Chile Rose which i would not be taking out of the tub ever, not that i would near here anyways, but again that one failed to make the fact that one kind of made her more resolute.....


I really feel for you...parental problems mean that until I find a better job and get my own place, no more T's...well....not uless I do it sneakily.
My mother is genuinely arachnophobic, but she's held Roger, Pepper and Miguel. As long as I remove the spider from her hand when she says "enough!" there are no problems :)
But 13 t's is where she's decided to say "thou shalt have no more" :( Ah well, when I get my own place, first job is to rig up a purpose built spider room.

Fear I can understand, but I've never quite grasped how someone can develop such a hatred for what is basically an unobtrusive, primitive, 8 legged arachnid. :confused:
I'm just lucky my bird loves 'em as much as I do. :)
Lopez, is there any chance of a picture of Winston? I have seen some picds of one on Arachnopets and think they look fantastic. I would love to get one but don't have the space right now :(

Wolverine, could you not just get a spider and not tell your girlfriend? If you were going to put it downstairs out of the way when she came over anyway so that she wouldn't know it was there......:rolleyes:
Trust me dude, she would notice, its weird, but its almost like she has a radar for all things "illegal" in our house, this that havent been "Discussed".......

Besides, my hoooooge 36 inch TV is in the living room, and thats the only option i have for storing the T when she is here.... she'd notice........ besides, why should i hide it away?

Sod it, i'll have a few when i finally get around to buying my own house.....

Wolverine, i'm in the same boat mate. I followed this thread for weeks, bought the books, read up on them etc, to the point where i was thinking of buying..........then my GF said 'Noway!' I bought a Praying Mantis instead (poor substitute i know), to show her that exotic pets are intereresting & fun, but also hoping that it would lead to me eventually getting a tarantula.

But still a no-no. Like yours, my GF has a genuine fear of spiders, to the point when she freaks. I've tried talking to her & showing her that there's nothing to fear etc, and that if i got a tarantula i'd keep it away from her etc, but i guess it's the same as me with heights......i just don't like em. I got the her or tarantula thing too *lol* :D

This was a several months ago, i'm still working on it, but i'm starting to think that the only way that i'll ever own one is to buy & keep one secretly. Not the way i'd like it, but if it's the only way....... ;)
I'm scared of spiders but I seriously fancy a T. Something docile like a chile rose or a curly hair. I like them chunky, not a fan of these skinny leggy things.

However the parental units have put their foot down, or rather my Mum has. Dad doesn't care. Mum has threatened to send it for flying lessons out the bathroom window if she finds it in the house.

When I move out I'll have one:D
That's another thing that's always amused me - how can anyone be so bothered about something which is encased in a glass cabinet and need never be brought out?
What do these people think it's going to do - smash through the glass with its evil little fangs and hunt them down?
In a wild environment, I'd certainly be more than a little apprehensive about apporaching a Lion.In a zoo, however, I don't care - the damn things in an enclosure.
Same goes with something like poisonous octopus - no way would I knowingly jump in the water with one, but in an aquarium it's hardly rational to be afraid of it.
You can keep an adult T without ever taking the lid off.
Small holes in the lid allow you to drop in crickets and water, and old skins will eventually decompose if left in the tank.

I know a girl who's scared of snakes - to the point where if a snake comes on the telly she screams and turns it off - I honestly have to question the intelligence and stability of someone scared of a picture of an animal.
I don't understand it either. I think at the end of the day you are more likely to get hurt by a dog than a tarantula.

My gf doesn't like them, but she doesn't freak out so bad. I told her that, while she can't control her feeling about them she CAN control the way she reacts about them. So she doesn't go near them, doesn't come into the spare room. No need to run around screaming about them really.
One of my housemates can't seem to understand how I can sleep in the same room as them. Most people seem to be worried about the whole 'what if they escape' thing, thats why my mum keeps asking.

As long as your careful they never will escape. My slings would probably escape if I left the lid off because they are just in small containers, however they wouldn't last long on their own. On the other hand I could probably leave the lid of Maya's cage and she would go nowhere, I've never seen her climb the walls and she loves her burrow, she has no desire to go elsewhere.

Your right about the dog thing as well, probably other pets as well. I went to pet my housemates hamster recently and the damn thing bit me; my Tarantulas havent done that.

Saying that I still havent held one yet. Maya is just too skitish, running away from me. The slings I fear are just too small and fragile at the momment.
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