Originally posted by DHR
Do you think i should buy from a pet store dealing in them over the net, or a private dealer?
Whichever is cheapest really, but you'll probably find that the best ones will be from online breeders
Originally posted by DHR
Do you think i should buy from a pet store dealing in them over the net, or a private dealer?
Originally posted by DHR
Yeah, i was thinking more from the point of view the condition of the spider when i actually get it, cost doesn't really matter. I still need to get that fish tank down from the loft when i'm home!!
I want to give the spider more of a natural habbitat, hence the fish tank idea with a decent retreat. I'd feel bad invading the little things privacy everytime i opened the tank, i've been told that they tend to treat smaller tanks like they're entire retreat opposed to just a section of it.
Originally posted by Lostkat
I can honestly say that there's not much point getting the fishtank out yet. It'll take it a good few months, maybe even years before it's ready to move to a larger tank.
- Taken from http://www.coasttocoast.co.uk/live-stock.htm#spidersRed Knee tarantula spiderlings CB (Brachypelma smithi). Pretty, but despite what the books say are usually quite aggressive.
They're just covering their backs. Like I said, it's not uncommon to have a supposedly docile species turn into a complete psycho.Originally posted by DHR
- Taken from http://www.coasttocoast.co.uk/live-stock.htm#spiders
I'm beginning to think that its become a new trend for the typically docile to go on the occasional freak
I'd advise against getting a purpurea as your first arboreal. Firstly, because these slings are only 1cm in legspan (I emailed coast to coast when I was getting a purp), which really is too small if you've not kept them before. After getting my purp, I also found that there are hardly any caresheets on them, despite them having different keeping conditions to the other Avics. I was told by a well-respected breeder that Avicularia purpurea are notoriously difficult to raise from spiderling. If I was you, I'd get a different Avic first (maybe an Avic avic or versicolor) and learn how to keep that one before you consider a purpurea. Avics have a reputation for dying on you, but apparently purpureas are the worst. As a consequence, I am really worried about my little guy and wake up every day to expect him all curled up. I haven't even named him yet because I'm so paranoid Not nice!Originally posted by Nexus
They have Avicularia purpurea for £16.95! Very tempting... I would like an arboreal.
Originally posted by DHR
Looks lovely. *off topic* whats the yellow thing in the 2nd pic