So, you want to keep a pet tarantula?

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Originally posted by Lostkat
It looks just like a cloud of dust really. They're obviously very effective because just a few seconds after my greenbottle blue kick some hairs my way, I was coughing and spluttering. I'd obviously inhaled a few. Not pleasant
Yeah looks like disturbed dust but I normally tend to get out of the way quickly..

/Update got back from Cornwall yesterday and my Salmon pink is fine but has still not yet moulted (but I can feel its coming soon)
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Originally posted by Lostkat
Right, someone wanted more hot feeding video action so I fed my Greenbottle blue and curly hair especially for you :)

It's not a very good quality vid at all but gives you an idea at how fast these things are

Clickaty click, save as

Was me who wanted more vids :D Its awesome how they are literally resting in one frame and onto the unlucky insect the next. Quicker than bruce lee! Fantastic, cheers :D
Originally posted by Lopéz
Someones been shopping at Guys ;) Very good breeder and keeper, they should be nice spiders. The Guatamalen blue Aphonopelma he sold you is quite an interesting one, I know someone who has some larger ones which are bright blue.

guilty as charged :D

actually i didn't realise he has these a.seemani. i only saw his post for a GBB but rooting around the brum board i noticed he has been breeding these so "might as well" :p
I seem to remember reading something about an invert show being held just outside of Lincoln. Can anybody give me the details for this? I know WHERE it is, I just can't remeber when. First week or so in September, iirc. I tried looking on the Brum-tarantulas board but it is offline at the moment.

Can anybody remember? Anybody going and want to meet up? :)
I just ordered tank, verculite, heatmat, silent brown crickets and some cork bark.

Now I need the T! I want a 1cm baby spiderling Giant White Leg, which vcheeseman had one more of, so I picked up the phone and dialed her number, and she's just gone on holiday for a week today. DOH! :(

Anyone know anywhere else were I can order one of these or something nicer online? Needs to be a 1/2cm spiderling, in stock, £15 or under inc.

ASAP, or these crickets coming in 2 days will goto waste! :(
Okay, there isn't a whole lot out there at the moment.... :

Guyana Pink Toe - Avicularia species
Guyana Pink Toe tarantula spiderlings
Captive bred and 1cm leg span
Our price: £ 8.99

Otherwise it's probably best to go to:

Sven Koeppler - reputable German dealer who is happy to post to the UK:

[email protected]

Aphonopelma seemanni CB 05/03, 4€
Avicularia braunshaunseni, CB 06/03, 9€
Avicularia metallica, CB 05/03, 7€
Avicularia versicolor, CB 06/03, 8€
Brachypelma albopilosum, CB 05/03, 2€
Brachypelma auratum, CB 07/03, 7€
Brachypelma smithi, CB 05/03, 6€
Brachypelma vagans, CB 06/03, 3€
Euthalus pulcherimasklassi, CB 06/03, 4€
Grammostola aureostriata, CB 05/03, 6€
Grammostola pulchra, CB 12/02, 8€
Grammostola rosea, CB 07/03, 4€

Hysterocrates gigas, CB 07/03, 5€
Hysterocrates hercules, CB 06/03, 5€
Lasiodora (Vitalius) cristatus, CB 03/03, 4€
Lasiodora difficilis, CB 04/03, 5€,
Lasiodora parahybana, CB 07/03, 3€
Lasiodorides striatus, CB 06/03, 3€

Poecilotheria ornata, CB 06/03, 6€
Poecilotheria regalis, CB 05/03, 6€
Psalmopoeus cambridgei, CB 06/03, 4€
Pterinochillus mammilatus, CB 07/03, 3€
Tapinauchenius gigas, CB 06/03, 5€
A dispatch as a fast air mail delivery is possible for only 5€ worldwide!
Delivery time: Europe: 1-2 days, World: About 5 days!

I've highlighted suitable beginner's species in bold italics, but remember that Lasiodora, while easy to keep and care for, are NOT to be handled.
Ah, that's great Lopez, I think i'll order from that German guy.

Does he have a website? and can he accept CC orders?

If he has Vesicolor in i'll proberly get that.

Sven doesn't have a site that I'm aware of, but he normally replies quite promptly to emails. I think we paid with Paypal last time....otherwise you can always send Euros by registered post.

At those prices (1€ is 69p!) you may as well get a few different slings. They can be kept in almost any clear container with holes in (I've found washed out Mayonnaise jars, spice pots, almost ANYTHING useful) and they can all share the same heat mat with ease.
Feeding a few won't cost any more than feeding one, as they will eat the cricks that will have died off anyway.
Easy Exotics has some Pink Toes now.... Im still tempted by a proper aboreal. Damn this is getting too much, I've got four already and its going to be a nightmare taking them all back to uni as it is.

I might go see what my local pet shop has in now, as last time I was in they were just making up a huge list of the new spiders they wanted to take stock off.

Just got back of my holiday by the way and found that my Bohemei, Maya has moulted. I'm starting to think it might be male, it has a much longer leg span and a much thinner elongated bum. I'm no expert and I'll have to try and get a good look underneath it as the skin is far too shrivlled.
Originally posted by Lopéz
Sven doesn't have a site that I'm aware of, but he normally replies quite promptly to emails. I think we paid with Paypal last time....otherwise you can always send Euros by registered post.

At those prices (1€ is 69p!) you may as well get a few different slings. They can be kept in almost any clear container with holes in (I've found washed out Mayonnaise jars, spice pots, almost ANYTHING useful) and they can all share the same heat mat with ease.
Feeding a few won't cost any more than feeding one, as they will eat the cricks that will have died off anyway.

Yea, that's a cool idea, then while they are in there I can save for their new homes. :)

Will they live in the jars with just vermiculite down, and no cork bark etc?

Avicularia metallica, CB 05/03, 7€
Avicularia versicolor, CB 06/03, 8€
Grammostola rosea, CB 07/03, 4€

If he has them, the above will be mine. :D

For about £15 inc it's a bargain.

Now, which one should have the priviledge of having the nicest tank I bought? hmm. ;)

I've heard the A.* like different things?

Spraying their tanks/jars and feeding every 2 days sound about right for all the above slings?

Spiderlings are very easy to house - they only need a very small amount of space.
Exact requirements depend on their habits (arboreal, terrestrial, obligate burrower)

Cork bark is easy to break up into chunks, or cut with a hacksaw, and only a small amount of vermiculite is needed.



See what I mean by "small"? ;)

Avicularia need to be kept reasonably moist (you can keep A metallica and A versicolor the same way)
They will want a shallow substrate and a small piece of cork bark.
They use the bark to climb on and web from.

The G rosea will live on the ground and hide under bark if you give it some. It won't really web or climb much.
Fingers crossed...

My Salmon Pink has just started to moult just hope it all goes to plan :D

I'll take some photos once its finished
Thanks again Lopez, so don't spiderlings need water bowls? at what age should they have waterbowls in their tank?

Is the a.metallica and a.versicolor docile?

A. versicolor and A. metallica are arboreal (tree-dwelling) spiders, which means that tank height is more important than floor space because they like to climb and web. Although they need to be kept slightly more moist than your Chile Rose, the substrate should never be wet (it encourages mould to grow) and they need lots and lots of ventilation.

Here are a couple of pics of my Avicularia set-ups.

This is my little metallica, who is about an inch in legspan at the moment. He's in a clear acrylic pen pot which I bought from a shop called Muji. I have used a pair of old tights and a hair bobble to make the lid for the container as it provides tonnes of ventilation for the little guy. He also has a scattering of peat and a piece of cork bark for him to climb on and web off. He's relatively new to this container, so he's not webbed much yet.


This is my 1.5-3" A. versicolor. He's also in a clear acrylic pentub from Muji. I drilled holes around the container about 1cm from the base to prevent mould and mites (he was having problems). As you can see, he's settled in nicely and made a complete mess of the place with his random webbing. It's a perfect-sized container for him though :)


If you want to know more about the care of Avicularia, do a google search for care sheets on them. There are plenty around (some better than others), and they'll give you all the advise you need.
Originally posted by George
Thanks again Lopez, so don't spiderlings need water bowls? at what age should they have waterbowls in their tank?

Is the a.metallica and a.versicolor docile?

Both extremely docile (but quick, and they jump!)
No need for water bowls until they are a decent size (3" or so) Some people don't provide water bowls at all. :)
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