Okay, there isn't a whole lot out there at the moment....
www.easyexotics.co.uk :
Guyana Pink Toe - Avicularia species
Guyana Pink Toe tarantula spiderlings
Captive bred and 1cm leg span
Our price: £ 8.99
Otherwise it's probably best to go to:
Sven Koeppler - reputable German dealer who is happy to post to the UK:
[email protected]
Aphonopelma seemanni CB 05/03, 4€
Avicularia braunshaunseni, CB 06/03, 9€
Avicularia metallica, CB 05/03, 7€
Avicularia versicolor, CB 06/03, 8€
Brachypelma albopilosum, CB 05/03, 2€
Brachypelma auratum, CB 07/03, 7€
Brachypelma smithi, CB 05/03, 6€
Brachypelma vagans, CB 06/03, 3€
Euthalus pulcherimasklassi, CB 06/03, 4€
Grammostola aureostriata, CB 05/03, 6€
Grammostola pulchra, CB 12/02, 8€
Grammostola rosea, CB 07/03, 4€
Hysterocrates gigas, CB 07/03, 5€
Hysterocrates hercules, CB 06/03, 5€
Lasiodora (Vitalius) cristatus, CB 03/03, 4€
Lasiodora difficilis, CB 04/03, 5€,
Lasiodora parahybana, CB 07/03, 3€
Lasiodorides striatus, CB 06/03, 3€
Poecilotheria ornata, CB 06/03, 6€
Poecilotheria regalis, CB 05/03, 6€
Psalmopoeus cambridgei, CB 06/03, 4€
Pterinochillus mammilatus, CB 07/03, 3€
Tapinauchenius gigas, CB 06/03, 5€
A dispatch as a fast air mail delivery is possible for only 5€ worldwide!
Delivery time: Europe: 1-2 days, World: About 5 days!
I've highlighted suitable beginner's species in bold italics, but remember that Lasiodora, while easy to keep and care for, are
NOT to be handled.