Miguel (Brachypelma albopilosum) hasn't moulted in 2 months, a record for him! I can't really photograph him as he's underground at the moment, but rest assured he's fat, healthy and curly.
Maz (Chilobrachys fimbriatus) has moulted into a seriously stunning beast. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend one of these spiders. She still remains pretty shy, but with a heightened sense of defensiveness. Now probably measuring 3-4" legspan (remember, Legspan is measured diagonally from the tip of Leg 1 to the tip of leg 4)
From the top you can see the bold abdominal chevrons, the pale tan carapace, and the steel blue femurs
But what a threat posture! A mixture of bright violet and steel blue hues, combined with the red mouthparts and iridescant feet makes for an impressive sight
She has also gained tan colour fringes down each front leg, not amazingly visible in this shot but they are very bold in real life.
Punta (Cyclosternum fastciatum) has also just moulted - and grown into a pretty large beast. This is her 3rd moult in my care, and I've only had her since may. The worst thing about this pretty and nervous spider is the urticating hairs. They affect me far more than any I've encountered before.
The best thing is that these small tarantulas won't ever lose their bold spiderling colours. They stay like this for their whole lifespan