Social club hacked, Change passwords

"may" have been hacked.

Also that came out 5 days ago, anything from the past day or so?
Rockstar wont admit anything just check the volume of hack requests on the support rockstar page. Its clear there was a serious issue of leaked accounts.
Rockstar wont admit anything just check the volume of hack requests on the support rockstar page. Its clear there was a serious issue of leaked accounts.

Not doubting it bud, I have changed mine twice in 2 days.

But the annoying thing is the article you linked has "may of been compromised", and nothing from R*.

They need to let people know for sure if this has happened, bad form by R* if it has and they have kept quiet.
Well as I said am shocked they can change my password without letting me approve it vie my email. If they had this system in... well lets just say Id still have my account.
I can't even remember my social club password lol. Last time I used it was with Max Payne 3.

Thanks for heads up OP.
So no confirmation apart from a few websites "claiming" that social club has been hacked?

Private companies rarely publicly admit it unless there's already strong evidence in the public domain. Likewise they very rarely if ever report themselves to the ICO where as public sector (at least in the UK) do it far more often.

Also if RSS was hacked it probably happened weeks or months ago, rather than days and people are only now noticing a trend or problem as the gathered info is shared with other groups or sold on.
Well as I said am shocked they can change my password without letting me approve it vie my email. If they had this system in... well lets just say Id still have my account.

This. Just changed mine now as a precaution but no authentication email was needed -shocking tbh.

Strange thing is I only need to log in when I go to the rockstar website - when launching the game through steam it logs me in automatically and I have never entered my pw into the social launcher
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Wasnt this to do with people downloading a dodgy exe from Rockstar forums to get the game to work where they were getting a blank loading screen?
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