Social club hacked, Change passwords

ive always thought of using one of these but how does it work with mobile logins etc?

For Lastpass you have to pay for that but it is only $12 USD per year.

But using a password tool seems to add another potential vulnerability. Especially with people saving it on a cloud service.

I can't speak for the others but Lastpass uses AES256 bit encryption before your data is sent to them, the encryption and decryption process takes place on your computer before the data goes anywhere. I have been using Lastpass for years and never once had an issue to speak of.

stick your passwords as a chapter from the bible.
easy to remember the chapter and verse makes a long password, no need to store all your passwords digitally and possibly lose them through hardware failure or whatever

like this choose a random chapter and verse from the bible


Win unless it's somewhere stupid that stores passwords as plain text still...

Sadly many sites limit the length of a password making this less secure. Still unlikely anyone we'll have hashed the entire bible.. Or is it !?
it was just an example :P

hash depends on the encryption key anyway?

Yeah but if we believe the Rockstar response this is all the customers own fault for using weak passwords across several other sites, "nothing to do with us Guv'nor"

Which may well be true but only they know, I can't see how they'd have been able to confirm that already though without having an audit and pen test by a third party. Relying on their own staff to check their own work would be daft but many companies do so.
Gald I've helped a few people out. I think am going to look into one of these password managers now. Not sure what one to pick but I'll shop around. Still no reply and whats worse is I got my new screen to play GTA 5 with. Well.... cant play it now :(

I have different passwords for such things as steam, u play and whatnot so for me it's not a case of using same passwords across different platforms or websites. Hopefully I'll get my account back for the weekend.
Gald I've helped a few people out. I think am going to look into one of these password managers now. Not sure what one to pick but I'll shop around. Still no reply and whats worse is I got my new screen to play GTA 5 with. Well.... cant play it now :(

What was the character length of your password, and was it dictionary based? IE a word or two, maybe with a number?

It was about 10 chars long, Mixture of caps, Numbers and letters. As I said before, NONE of my other game accounts, Emails, Etc etc have ever been hacked. This is the first time in 8 years I've suffered this issue. Don't blame myself or my password but the company itself.
Use a password manager.

Don't make life easy for the bad guys. You don't know how long it would take 'em to "crack" the password hash if they were to get hold of it. For all we know, Rockstar could be storing passwords as MD5 hashes.

I use KeePass.

It is possible to use the cloud to sync a password database while remaining secure.

+Rep to you good sir, Am now slowly changing all my passwords to KeePass. It's pretty easy to use and I do love how insane the passwords are. And if I ever forget them, All stored in a little lock box program with a master password. Thank you!
Well considering I'll never see a refund for it lel :P

All I can do is pray and hope they can recover my account. The only bad thing is this stupid guy is gonna be selling all my ingame cars/homes and buying ammo and wasting it into some wall.

So yea, Gonna be great fun when I get back to having nothing at all.
Changed my password, as it was going weird before I did. God knows why - no signs of any breach - and it was also a bit of a pain setting up the 21:9, but oh my does it run sweetly now. In. LOVE. :eek::eek:
+Rep to you good sir, Am now slowly changing all my passwords to KeePass. It's pretty easy to use and I do love how insane the passwords are. And if I ever forget them, All stored in a little lock box program with a master password. Thank you!

I'm thinking there's always website password reset, if you lose the KeePass database (providing you remember your email password).

At least with all the website passwords being unique it will reduced come back, considering how many big players are getting hacked.
I have also been hacked, got home from work today and cant play. Theres 3 emails in my hotmail account from Rockstar saying my email address has been changed to "[email protected]" and so now I cant reset my password because it sends a link to their email.

So I've been proper gutted about this tonight, only had the game like 6 days.

And I bought my game from GAME for £40 for the PC. :mad:
I have also been hacked, got home from work today and cant play. Theres 3 emails in my hotmail account from Rockstar saying my email address has been changed to "[email protected]" and so now I cant reset my password because it sends a link to their email.

So I've been proper gutted about this tonight, only had the game like 6 days.

And I bought my game from GAME for £40 for the PC. :mad:

Sorry to hear dude, Get ready for the longest wait ever for rockstar to reply to your ticket.
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