Social networks and engaging with you lot :)

lmao See how ace at my job I am?!! I'm just not used to the whole old-school message board thing is all ;)

I can also confirm that I am a real, live, FEMALE and I shall come up with an avatar (at some point) to prove this fact! Mind you, if my avatar is meant to be proof of who I am, then judging by all of those i've seen so far, none of you are actually hardware erm 'enthusiasts' at all and are indeed gangsters! :p

Noob you can't have your own avatar.:p

Gangsta or nothing.
I shall come up with an avatar (at some point) to prove this fact! Mind you, if my avatar is meant to be proof of who I am, then judging by all of those i've seen so far, none of you are actually hardware erm 'enthusiasts' at all and are indeed gangsters! :p

Read the FAQ n00b :p.

She'll have a godmother avatar before we know it.
There was talk of that once... for Jodie G IRRC. Nothing came of it mind.
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