Solar panel production figures

Got a bit cloudy this afternoon, 42.48 kWh generated, 35.875 exported.

Rain showing in the forecast every day for the next two weeks :eek: At least the panels will get a good clean.
Im not set up in octopus, import export.

Currently on flux generating around 40kwh per day (peak 52kwh) 16kwh export. ~£3.50 a day.

Hot tub is however consuming around 10kwh a day, which I can now see as a £2 lost opportunity cost.

BEV due in a few weeks which will alter things around and see me move off Flux.
Come on sun - hold out a few hours longer. If I can get the batteries charged and 4% more in the car I'll have managed an entire 7 day week without using a single bit of current from the grid.
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Got bad new in that case. Even I don't understand it....

20.9 today, could hit 100 for the month tomorrow which for 5 days would be :cool: The first 5 days of Dec were total under 10 lol

My whole of December was 0.65 kWh :( :cry:
So far in May solar generation is 98 kWh :):cool:

Also, our neighbours trees blocking sun on the panels in the morning - he’s cutting them all down. Miracles do happen !
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My whole of December was 0.65 kWh :( :cry:
So far in May solar generation is 98 kWh :):cool:

Also, our neighbours trees blocking sun on the panels in the morning - he’s cutting them all down. Miracles do happen !
He's cutting them down, you sure it's not that the tree surgeons just happened to turn up on a surprise visit ;)
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Fairly cloudy here today, but gone over 20kWh, so thats good. Its the break even point for exporting enough to cover the import costs. But to put us back down to earth, one of our maintaince team posted that the companies solar produced 1330kwh on Wednesday. We did kinda go for it though;
Same here, cloudy and showers during the day, but suns come out now for Flux peak export period !! 22kWh produced so far and kicking out 3kW currently.
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This was just before 1pm (the map is a random location near by), just an hour later it was generating 638w, turns out we had a hail shower at home, I'm thinking it was a Welsh one, or perhaps it came over from Ireland, or even down from Scotland.

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