Solar panel production figures

The valleys done good.

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Just ticked over and finished dead on 40 in the end. Few dips during the day and it tailed off later in the day as a bit of light cloud/haze came in. Exported 29.3 of that, so big earnings today.
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I finally joined the 50's club, generated 52.3 kWh, exported 43.745, expecting today to be about -£8

It may be possible to get to 60, more likely around 55 is the max, today the SolarEdge system generated 26.2, and the most its ever generated in a day is 28.27 kWh, and that was 20 June 2022.

29.7kWh generated and 16.0kWh exported. Our second best day of the year.

Even on the poor EDF SEG it was a negative bill day as we've only used 0.9kWh from the grid.

Still unable to switch to Octopus as they think we're already registered to them. The forms to sort this were apparently sent out last Tuesday and what should have taken 48 hours according to them is now 8 days.. :rolleyes:
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