Solar panel production figures

you used 17kwh in the space of 3 hours?

thats 5.6kwh / per hour!!!!

I am guessing plus background use but sounds insane, even with those things mentioned above running.

Rookie numbers. :-) I was 27 and that was only stuff i'd use, hot water, ev, battery, washing etc. I could have turned both ovens on and the hob. I think I could have done 35+
Rookie numbers. :) I was 27 and that was only stuff i'd use, hot water, ev, battery, washing etc. I could have turned both ovens on and the hob. I think I could have done 35+

Mine was also only really normal stuff just switch to local fan heater rather than GFCH for most of the day

I didnt do hot water as I want to see proof first, but if it really is working this way then next time I will turn off gas HW for the day and stick the water immersion on instead

It feels wrong, but after the corruption laid bare with our government I cant really feel guilty making 40-50 on a scheme thats legit
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Ditto. Don’t hate the players, hate the game.

I’ve been an “energy w**ker” for nearly 20 years now. Decades of abuse from friends and family. None of them are laughing now when they have no idea why they are spending £15 day on energy.
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