Solar panel production figures

Looks like you're under a cloud at the moment mate.
No clouds here, actually quite a clean graph so far, apart from a few brief dips. Garage system doesn't generate very well this time of year due to the low pitch of the panels, also it gets shaded by a tree around midday because the sun is so low.

Currently generating 2.2KW

PS if you're looking on PV Output the Solaredge data can lag by upto 15 minutes, making it look like it's dropped off a cliff. Click where it says 3 Systems and you can see the individual systems.
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Congrats Ron. Big win today. Can you kick "The Gaff" out of our league table?

Makes a change for me to be at the top this time of year :D

PV Output shows The Gaff with a SolarEdge inverter, I'm not sure what battery system they have, it was mentioned a long time ago, but unfortunately its just the way it works. Any manufacture that would class energy charged into a battery overnight as generation clearly has no idea what they are doing. There are a few on here that have to jump through hoops to get the correct data.
Out of interest, have you all applied to be a SEG generators?
Here in the NL, as soon as my panels were operational, the surplus electricity generated was sent back to the grid and we receive the same price per unit as we buy it for.

It never occurred to me that the UK doesn't do that automatically until my niece (who lives in London) mentioned it.
I'm not quite sure why MKW said what he said, but we do have some very good tariffs, with Octopus Flux I charge my batteries off peak for around 17p, any excess in the day is exported at around the same price, but come 16:00 to 19:00 I can export at close to 30p a kWh.

This tariff worked very well through the summer, my bills including gas were negative, it's only now the weather's poor, and the days short that it's not so good, but I still force export at peak, to reduce my daily cost. I do have a large powerful system which helps.
I was referring to this part, we're certainly not getting bent over (well not any more anyway), and I'm well aware of what net pricing is, and I certainly don't want it, I for one would be worse off, as would many others.

We are getting bent over in effect but it seems to be that some pressure is filtering through to attract the export "generation" so hopefully we creep closer to parity over time.
Happy to disagree.
Until we get paid the same as retail generation for the same kwh then to my mind we are being bent over.

Those adding the top supply to that window when you get 30p will be getting far far more than 30p a kwh.
The reason we get the £2.25 a kwh for savings sessions is thats the sort of amount those adding the on call supply in peak are getting every time they are called to help out.
You have a point there, we're not getting bent over as much as we used to, but still a fair amount.
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