My battery got down to 47% this morning, but we've now got some sun, doubt I'll be exporting anything at peak though as the battery is now at 56% but currently 2.7kW of solar, house load is around 1.3kW constantly at the moment.
I'm replotting circa 320TiB of Chia plots, got a workstation with 512GB ram, 3080 and Tesla P4 working flat out, uses about 500 to 600w, the plots are moved across the network and saved on my server. Should be done at some point over the weekend, consumption should settle back down to around half then.How come so high Ron? Ours hovers around 400w and that’s 3 fridge freezers and a load of electronics on standby
Incredible what a bad run you've had, you must have a permanent cloud over your house.The last 9 days show how grim it has been: 1.0, 0.0, 0.8, 13.8, 7.6, 0.0, 0.7, 0.0, 1.5kWh.
Click your name top right, click preferences, and its the eleventh option down on the list.I can't see your sig (apparently there's an option to hide/show signatures but I haven't found it).
I did think about you're panels today when I saw the forecast, it will be a real test of your brackets, although they are a little sheltered by the house IIRC.Anyone getting a few jitters about Thursday?
Mine uses Victrons built in system which they recently added, it seems fairly accurate but gets it wrong sometimes.What do you all use to forecast generation?
He's not in KentKentonia
76.1 kWh so far for November.On 89kWh for Nov at the moment which isn't bad.