8.4, a rather cloudy day, although some bright spells.
This is turning out to be a really poor February. My SE panels generated 266kWh last year. 8 days remaining and they've only done 111kWh this year so far. I need 14.8kWh a day to hit target.
We've had 36 hours of sunshine so far. The 1991-2020 average for February is 86 hours and 2023 was 105 hours.
Just looked at my Solaredge production, and that is still behind January's figure, the Victron system is well ahead though, must be the longer days and higher sun angle on those panels.Blimey. I’m 101 behind Jan. Will need 5 solid days….but that’s not looking possible.
I have gas heating. I not only export generation, but also my off peak imports. I alway charge the batteries off peak at about 17p kWh, once the batteries are full I export at about 17p, come peak time I force export at about 30p kWh.I see people exporting a significant percentage of their generation here, I assume that’s where people have Gas / Oil for heating as opposed to full electric?
6.40 today. I'm finding the weather forecast for sun very poor to help me predict how much overnight charge to enable on the battery. I also use Solcast but clearly I'm not understanding it as the forecast appears not to be accurate either?
Just fully charge in the cheap rate period, it's what I do. Costs me 17.63p per kWh to charge the batteries. If there is sun, and I end up exporting then I get 18.38p per kWh. Yes I probably lose a little to the efficiency losses, but it's negligible, and saves trying to guess what the weather is going to do.Octopus Flux import
Not the south east though, only managed 13.6 kWh yesterday, 22 forecast for today though, but we have cloudy intervals forecast.All the sunshine must be in the south 7.2