Solar panel production figures

Generated 19.8 kWh today, with 10.14 exported.

Today's generation was just enough to push us to 600.86 kWh for the month (2023 was 531 kWh), just over double February's generation.

Looking at my SolarEdge system the best March was 2020 with 430.7 kWh, whereas this March was 309.5 kWh, worst March was 2018 with just 251.1 kWh generated.

Total year to date: 1120 kWh
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You will have peaks close to or above you're installed capacity, the graphs simply don't catch the data often enough to see it. PV Output shows you had a peak of 7.2 kW at 14:45, I fully expect you've had a much higher peak.

Here's my daily graph,at first glance the highest peak looks to be 6861 Watts at 12:29, and then its all down hill.


If I zoom in though I can see that 13:38 actually has a higher peak of 8808 watts


Now look at the gauges running on Node Red, and I can see the days highest peak was 8912.8 Watts at 13:39 (it doesn't show the seconds).


The main graph shows the values roughly every 8 minutes, zoom in close enough and its every minute, but my code running on Node Red is comparing the values every 5 seconds, so its far more likely to capture that peak power moment. It will likely be the same for any other installation, the graphing will just misses the biggest peaks unless they occur at the exact moment the data is stored.
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28.5 generated and 28 exported.

Starting to get some good days on Flux, -£1.15 yesterday, and -£1.72 on Monday, Wednesday was £0.34 and for some reason no data for Tuesday,even they it shows in Octopus.

I force export at 4.5kW from the battery (solar may add more) from 4pm until 45% SOC, which is usually just before 7pm - hit that at 18:57 today.
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