Solar panel production figures

Yeah, not a cloud in the sky today so it's pretty much going to show peak performance for me I think - oddly enough the peak power was lower today (a smooth topped 3.87kw vs a 4.38kw spike yesterday) which I don't really understand
If the panels are shaded by a cloud they will cool down, then the sun comes out, the cold panels will give much more power than hot panels, so you get a spike until they warm up.
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If you were on a FIT tariff or something generous that would be great
The export side of the FITS payments is peanuts (no matter when you signed up), and also depends if your on deemed export. If like me someone is on deemed export then you can still use all generation and still get paid as if you exported 50% of what the system produced, oh, and get paid 5.5p per unit.
12.01kWh today which means an efficiency of 3, almost a perfect day as well, just a little dip around 1pm. 18 October was the last time I got that much in a day.

next week looks ok/good, week after horrible!

That's because my electricians coming that week, and the panels are going on the roof.
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11.59kWh today.

I'm now within 100kWh of Katie.... :cool: :D

I'm waiting for her to send a curse my way! :cry:

I'm hoping to break the 1MWh milestone this year if all goes well.

Katie who?

Just passed 31 MWh :D

No the data has value anyway, it's just less obvious. I think most of us who look at how the day is going probably use the live view. Back me up chaps would ya!?

I'm always looking at the live view.
@katie279 A few things left to do, the electricians are booked for the 21 & 22. The systems live (Victron VRM link below), just the AC work and panels to go. I'm hoping to get half the panels on then the electricians can still check the panels I've fitted and run in the cables which they wanted to do. I'm doing first fix on sockets in the garage today, as that's having a new consumer unit and a rewire.
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