Solar panel production figures

Hah given I spend a couple hundred in petrol every month I’m not sure the maths works out without the EV either!

Depends how much you're paying for the car, I spend a £100 a month on fuel, the car was bought and paid for in 2013 and is now around 14 years old. It just wouldn't pay me to get an EV, not even if I spent double on fuel.
The Victron system can save the data to internal memory which gives a couple of days worth of storage, if longer is needed an SD card can be added. I'm not sure on the SolarEdge system, guess I'll find out when the consumer unit is changed if I remember to check.
Weathers better than expected, and the suns coming out occasionally, had a peak of 5kw from the combined systems :D

I'm going to have to work out how to get the new data in to PV Output.

If anybody want's a look at what its doing (theres lots of pretty graphs under the advanced option) just click the Victron VRM link below, sometimes it complains about a password, but just click the link again.
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Interesting - we use around 600-800w baseline overnight, I've been keen to narrow this down a bit more - lots of phantom draw I'm sure from devices.

Looks like a good day today though - 2.6kw by 9:30am....! Get those new panels warming up Ron-ski! (assume you're able to see their production vs your old array also?)
I'm keen to see how they work throughout the day in terms of generation vs your original set (given different direction etc)
There is a link in my signature to the VRM (click again if it complains about a password), if you look on the advance tab in the VRM there are two graph's, one shows each individual string, the other the total generation. It's better viewed on a monitor as there are loads of graphs.

That seems high. We hover around 300

I expected ours to be higher, I have a server with circa 320 TB of drives, all sorts of network equipment, two fridge freezers etc.
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Ooh very cool VRM - I'm poking around as I type.....! I'm surprised that your East, West and existing panels are basically producing the same amount? Am I reading correctly?

Yes you are reading correctly, I was just explaining to my wife why, although I'm pretty sure she wasn't interested :rolleyes:

We've had a dull overcast cloudy day, so the clouds diffuse the light, so not much if any shadows, and an even light spread. Production of the garage array is about 25% more than the roof array, at nearly 5kw it is 25% larger than the 4kw array on the house roof, so that correlates well.

It will be interesting to see the difference on a perfect solar day, but the weather is pretty poor for the full forecast period, up to 8 March.

6.4kWh produced today, so far 0.1kWh exported to the grid, 0.7kWh imported from the grid, and 11kWh consumed, the battery will be flat before the morning, so will be interesting to see if that all works correctly.
Bit of a cloudy day, but plenty of sun, 11kWh already today, battery at 64% :D

Watch out @katie279 those new panels are working nicely - you need to get your shed array fitted :p

But what is the efficiency...

No idea at the moment, I'll work it out tonight, just hoping my production beats @katie279 :D
Well I'm seriously interested to see how yours works - I've got at least 8 panels scheduled for the veranda, then another array I'm pondering on an outhouse and then finally there's a ground floor extension we're planning which would have it's roof facing directly due south... you know why... ;)

Nice, I love it. But if I remember correctly aren't you export limited, so production in the summer will be limited by usage, battery capacity and export limits, although all those extra panels will really help in the winter months.

I could replace my roof system, there use to be the golden rule that apart from like for like replacements you couldn't alter a FITS system without losing the FITS payments, but that has changed, its now pro-rata. If I doubled the array size to 8kw then the FITS would be calculated at 50% of production, which is a great idea allowing people to upgrade existing systems. I'm extremely unlikely to go down this route though, although there is space for another MPPT on my wall ;)
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Yeah, you forget we have 100kwh of car batteries, 20kwh of house batteries, 300l hot water cylinder to heat and a host of other ideas (eg hot tub!).

It really is a last resort that I'd ever want to export!
I must agree I did forget about the cars, but if you add all those extra panels you will have more than enough in the summer months, but they will be a great help in the winter months.

I really can't see the problem with exporting excess, especially if you can get a better export rate such as on Flux.
SolarEdge system produced 13.07kWh
East Garage Array produced 5.65kWh
West garage array produced 4.42kWh

Total 23.14kWh
Battery hit 100% at 14:46

But what is the efficiency...

23.14/8.74 = 2.647

Straight in at the top of the leader board for energy and efficiency :D Shame the additional data is not uploading yet.


SolarEdge efficiency 3.2675
Victron efficiency 2.12

So the panels on the house roof, having a better pitch, less shading, and half of them facing south, have a much better efficiency
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