Solar panel production figures

32.90 today and happy with that off the house and 11 off the workshop

House System is East West
down in not so sunny Devon.
East 8 x 420w panels 45 deg pitch
West 10 x 420w panels 45 deg pitch
Givenergy Gen3 5kwh hybrid
2 x 9.5 battery's

Workshop system is South/East
2440w of panels two 720w strings
one 1000w string
Hybrid inverter with 4x 12v 100Amp
Plus grid tie inverter as well
Well it's midday and I've made 8.6kWh so far, although we did just have a peak of 8.8kW of power as well and it does appear to be brightening up, it'll probably go cloudy again though
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Well it's midday and I've made 8.6kWh so far, although we did just have a peak of 8.8kW of power as well and it does appear to be brightening up, it'll probably go cloudy again though
Just 8kWh for me too so far, batteries are at 75% so if its a nice sunny day tomorrow I will just get by but Friday is looking bleak.
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