Solar panel production figures

Yeah our roof isnt completely south, its about 150' so more east, not perfect, and if I am honest I think its better to be the other side of south so you generate more later in the day, but it is what it is.
Looking at my proposal which didn't account for next doors roof shading (Mid Oct to Early March) should be 6600kwh per year, easily hit targets in July and August, but fell below in the other months, but could still hit that generation amount with 4 good months, especially considering I had no inverter for 7 weeks! (although probably only lost 2-300kwh of generation during December and January).
Yeah for most people west is better than east, also if you have batteries and an off peak tariff west will have generation closer to 12 hours away from when your off peak is.
If your east facing your peak will be very late morning then declining, south is of course lunchtime and west is early afternoon

Having full batteries at the start of the morning means west facing array is likely most optimum for standing the highest chance of ending up with enough power to get you to the next off peak charge window. Assuming you will get enough basic generation.

There is a trade off however in that losing around 20% effective generation on east or west vs south means when the sun is poorer then there is a lot more chance that with east or west facing your just not going to generate enough where as south might get you there.
Probably on balance SW facing if you have batteries is the best balance between outright generation and giving you max chance to remain peak units from grid minimum.
so double the size of if you double my target of 285, then thats your target of 512 may be a little low
But you have the glorious mountainous sunshine of Wales. On any given day, the sky above Manchester is typically a muted gray, and even during the summer months, the sun struggles to break through the thick layer of clouds that shrouds the city. For the first weeks of March the forecast is not just cloud, it is thick cloud.
Mine being southwest obviously favours afternoon, but then also gets extensive shading from next door so efficiency is going to be very poor in winter months… thankfully due to the size it still seems to do ok.

Today started off well but then turned into an extremely dull day, only 7.2kWh and it’s turned into a trickle now.

Still, hit 270kWh this month which is pretty respectable. More importantly combined with the packs I’ve barely touched any peak rate (just a few fractions of a kWh here and there as the system isn’t perfectly reactive).

Good first month!
9.5kWh today, battery got to about 41%, but was flat by 19:00

258kWh for the month
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Feb = 168Kw for the rental property 3.5KW system

My house has run all through Feb without having to charge the batteries from the grid at all, well pleased with that :)
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